Chapter One: Rejected.

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"If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?"

-William Shakespeare

 Chapter One: Rejected.

My name is Evynne Fairway, and this is the story of how I got payback on my beloved mate. Beloved isn't really the word I would use, no more... suckish? Douche-bagish? Oh I know the word, back-stabbing.

You see, it started out as a normal day at school, I was a junior in high school and was anxiously awaiting the bell that was about to ring.

"Come on!" I muttered to myself, as I watched the class. If I had to learn one more thing about math I was going to cut my ear off like that artist guy.

"Someone wants to get out of here." My friend Adora laughed smiling. I looked at her and smiled.

"Of course I want to get out here! We all can't be straight "A" students." I replied.

"No you all can't but I can!" She said with a smile and I rolled my eyes.

Then thank the heavenly bell, it rung out nice and loud letting the trapped anxious prisoners from within its warden's grasp. I through my bag over my shoulder and picked up my books and dashed out of the horrible classroom.

I ran out into the nice warm sunlight, I could feel it leak through my dark skinny jeans, combat boots, and black hoodie. I felt my long curly blonde fly in the window. I closed my eyes not paying attention to where I was walking, and then I came face to chest with a very big guy that wasn't watching where he was going. "Yo buddy! Watch where you're going!" I yelled at him.

"Look who's talking! You were the one walking with your eyes closed!"

I looked up to see my cousin's best friend in front of me. He was the beta of the pack and had the most gorgeous blue eyes you will ever see.

Suddenly as I looked into his eyes and I felt my world change. It was no longer about school and friends, it was him. Everything was him. We were the only two people in the entire world while we looked into each other's eyes.

I saw him marking me in a beautiful meadow, our wolves chasing each other, us mating, our wedding, me pregnant with his children. I could see our future. Our. What a beautiful word.


        But not as beautiful as that word. I never would let anyone know but I had always really wanted a mate, purely for curiosity. I had never been a big fan of dating, I mean I dated a few guys, but I got bored of them quickly.

          Suddenly we both snapped out of our intense daze off. "Your my—" I started but was cut off by him.

          "I am late for practice, meet me at four in the woods." He said and ran off with the rest of the team to the soccer field.

          Well that was rude.

          I will give you hint, that douche bag that just ditched me, his own mate, for soccer practice is the guy that I am talking about. That should have been the warning signs of an unfaithful mateship (is that a word? Oh well), but I made the terrible decision of meeting him behind the pack house in the woods.

          I had only ever been to the pack house a couple times, I didn't live there, you got a choice of that when you turn fourteen but I decided to stay with my parents because that place has way too many people in it, and I am not a people person.

          Anyway, so I went to the woods at 4:01, just to piss him off. I got there and he was there talking to a girl! What the hell? Oh I get it; he is breaking up with her for me. That makes way more sense.

          I watched the girl leave and I waited a few moments, I just watched him. He had dark brown hair that fell into his sky blue eyes and a tan tall muscular body. He was a very attractive guy, but he was a player.

          I watched him inhale my scent through his nostrils. His eyes gazed over with something like lust and then he shook it off. I walked out from behind the trees and I watched his head snap up to meet mine.

          I walked over to him, "Heeeyyy, Beck ." I greeted.

          "Hi, Evynne." He said slightly irritated. Did I ever mention that he also kind of hates me? Like I irritate him to limit, I can kind of see why though. I am kind of obnoxious.

          "So, who was that girl you were with?"

          "My girlfriend."

          "You mean was your girlfriend." I corrected.

          "No, I mean she is my girlfriend and I love her." Ouch, no sugar coating that. Again, another sign of the impending event that was about to doom this pack. Doom, as in make life way better.

          "But you dumped her, because I'm your mate." I finished for him. But I was wrong, because never how much math I calculated I would never have been able to guess the probability of the words he was about to speak.

          "No, I am rejecting you."

          I stared at him. Oh, that kinda sucks. But then again so does he. Why would I want a mate like him anyway? I would have to sit through boring, shudder, soccer games. I am the most un-athletic person in the entire world. I even have a fear of sports equipment, and yes it is a real fear!

          Plus he is stupid and yucky. "Oh, okay." I said. Now you may be wondering. "Yeah okay?"  How could you be so calm about that? Well the answer is, I am different.

          I had heard story about that mates rejected each other. The girl usually wallowed in self-pity for a while than runaway and found a new pack came back and was suddenly badass.

          Well, I am already badass, so need to do all that. Plus the best revenge is a well-lived life. So I am not going to let him break my heart. One because I made a vow to myself when I saw my sister cry over her first heart-break that I would never cry over a guy.

          No, what I have in store is better. After all, there is nothing I do better, than revenge.

¡Hola! ¿Como estas? (you have know idea how long it took me to find the upside down question mark) I just realized how awkward this must be for people who don't take Spanish.  I apologize. I just like to believe I can speak it, it makes me feel awesome, like when I wear my BA combat boots (excited face!)

Okay, so some of you maybe be old fans so I say hello and thank you for reading another one of my completely insane stories. Much appreciated.

Others who have not and are new, welcome to Hogwarts. Jk! We are on Wattpad! Or I think we are... maybe we are actually on Mars and are being enslaved by aliens. That would be awkward.

Anyway, I promise you will get used my rants, I hope. The veterans will tell you, they get more entertaining the more tired I am.

So anyway, this story is dedicated to mentalinsanity because I recommended her first werewolf story to her. ("Love Elevator" totally check it out!)

So this is my first real werewolf story, so tell me if you like it. Don't tell me if you if don't like it because on here, all complaints must be phrased as a compliment.

Also, Evynne's friend Adora is based off of the lovely, lstornelli27, totally check her out!

And Evynne is based off of moi (sorry people who don't speak French, ps. That's me!) so yeah, if you liked it please check out my other stories which you can get to if you click my profile. Also please fan, comment, and like!

V----V Vampireluver23 (I just realized that my name is vampireluver23 and I am writing a werewolf story)

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