Chapter Thirty-One: GAMES!

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"There's no room for faith, truth, nor honesty in this bosom of thine. It is all filled up with guts and midriff."

-Henry IV Part 1 by William Shakespeare

Payback Sucks, So Do You!

Chapter Thirty: GAMES!

So, I probably should have mentioned earlier, board games are my forte. I grew up thinking I was the love child of the Monopoly Man and the Lollipop Princess from Candy Land. So, when I heard that one of our events was to be board games? I was ecstatic. While everyone groaned.

I looked at my team, "I shall compete at this one." My team nodded, relieved that they didn't have to deal with me.

You see as a child I went through practically everyone in the pack;young, old, it didn't matter! I dominated at any game. Well, except for Scrabble but honestly who is good at that game? But of course after I beat everyone, nobody would play with me anymore and I was forced to play online. And get banned from gaming websites because of stupid reasons. But the pack decided that I was too competitive to compete in board games and--as I like to put it--I turn into Erza Scarlet when I play games. Especially Monopoly. God I loved that game.

Beck apparently volunteered to play this round because his team said something about him not know "all sides of me" until he met my competitive side. Idiots.

My uncle explained that if you lose you are out, and the last three all verse each other and the one who wins the most rounds wins.

-Evynne Vs. Magdalena-

Yes, they thought it was a good idea to me against a child. A three year old at that. Did I feel bad that I completely dominated the game? No. Did I feel bad that I made Maggie cry? A little. BUT I MEAN COME ON! HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE SOMEONE TO FIGURE OUT THAT SHE NEEDED TO GO TO THE BLUE SQUARE?!? Yes, we were playing Candyland. Which was the game that started my anger issues. And explains why my second crush was on Lord Licorice, yet another villain who I why am I mates with Beck if my "type" is villains? What the hell?

-Beck Vs. Dustin-

Guess what game they played!....CONNECT FOUR! Yes, two grown up, big, buff, werewolves were playing Connect Four! It was hysterical! Anyway, Beck won. No shocker. I mean we have to be mates for some reason.

-Eryx Vs. Sydney-

Yeah they played life. When Sydney got married I winked at her and pointed to Jacoby. Oh how she blushed like Edward  when Hawkeye pointed out he loved Winry. Then Eryx hit every kid spot on the board, like I don't even know how. He did not find that funny and I of course said "It's a sign." I got a glare from the entire knox family. Well except for Annabelle, she laughed.

Eryx won but it was only because he picked "Doctor" as his career and she had teacher so you knew who was going to win.

-Beck Vs. Eryx-

Thank god, I didn't have to do this round. I suck at Scrabble. Also known as the only game allowed at my house when I was younger. (Oh yeah my family went hardcore to keep me from board games but I was smart and cunning. I STILL PLAY THEM MOM! I FOUND WAYS AROUND YOUR RULES! YOU'LL NEVER STOP ME!) Back to Beck and Eryx. Beck won. Which I am not sure I should be proud or disappointed. I mean yeah he won...but at Scrabble.

-Evynne Vs. Eryx-

The irony in this match kills me. The boy who I bribed, beat, and blackmailed to play board games with as a child now had to play the game that I was the most...passionate about. Oh yes. We played Monopoly. And boy did it involve a lot of swearing. So much so that the adults rated it PG-13 and put the kids inside.

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