Chapter Six: Sleepover!

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“I don't want tea," said Clary, with muffled force. "I want to find my mother. And then I want to find out who took her in the first place, and I want to kill them."

"Unfortunately," said Hodge, "we're all out of bitter revenge at the moment, so it's either tea or nothing.”

Cassandra Clare, City of Bones

Chapter Six: Sleepover!

I waited outside Eryx’s office holding Tristen, “Okay, you remember the plan correct?” I asked, Tristen.

“Yup! I beg to daddy to let the nice human to live and be friends with my favorite auntie Evynne.” He repeated.

“Good boy.” I said and handed him a cookie. “Remember I never gave you that.”


“And if they ask who did?”

“Beck did!”

I beamed, “Good boy!” I didn’t even teach him that. I taught him to tell them Kody, but Beck works a lot better.

Suddenly the door I was leaning against opened and I came falling through—with class. Tristen jumped out of my arms and over to his daddy and gave him a puppy dog face.

“Daddy please let this nice man stay and live with my favorite auntie Evynne.” Eryx looked amused by this, “Why don’t you go ask the nice man what I told him.”

Tristen jumped out of Eryx’s arms and into Axel’s, “Are you allowed to not live?” He asked with excitement.

That kid I might just have to steal and put him in movies.

“I can stay alive.” Axel told him.

“Yay!” Tristen exclaimed.

“And he’s offered to let me stay here, in the pack house.”

This time I cheered. But then we came to another problem, there was no available rooms. “He can share mine.” I offered.

“Can I?” He asked.

Eryx looked hesitated, “Do you think it will piss Beck off?”

“Yup!” I said with a smile.

“Then sure!” Eryx finalized. Then he took Tristen out of Axel’s arms, “But you need to go to bed. It’s late and your “favorite auntie” kept you up past you bed time with acting lessons.”

Tristen looked upset, “I don’t need lessons, I’m a natural.” He replied posing.

I think my heart just melted.

“You are just too cute.” I told him, kissing him on the cheek.

“Yes, Evynne. Just blow his ego up more.” He replied walking out of the room.

“Night Tristen!” Axel and I called. I then turned to him with a mischievous smile. “Why do I have a bad feeling about this?” Axel asked.

“Because I am making you watch Twilight!”


“Because there are attractive guys in it, duh!” I replied pulling him to my room.

“I’m not gay.”

“Good, because I am starting to have feelings for you and I would be very disappointed if you were gay.” I replied. I started to walk away and I think I heard him say, “yes!” but I can’t be one hundred percent sure. Guys are so weird.

Making my way up to my room I stopped by Beck’s. I opened the door not bothering to knock, to my utter surprise he was alone.

“Hey Beck, just came to check on you to make sure you got back okay, saying you ditched me in the woods and I got stuck in a hunters trap and accidently exposed werewolves to a human but now I am having a sleepover with him.” I said in one breath. Win.

“Why are you having a sleepover with a human boy?” He asked glaring slightly with his teeth clenched.

“Because it sounded like a brilliant idea…and it still does! Bye were going to watch Twilight! And no he is not gay.” I added the last part because he thought he was gay after I mentioned the Twilight part.

Running into my room I jumped on the bed and ninja rolled over it into my closet and got changed. When I came out I saw Axel laying on the bed, “I already put the movie in.”

“That’s sweet, but I don’t trust you.” I replied walking to my tv and opening the DVD disc thing. “Well at least you have good taste.” I complimented. He chose Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part One.

“Can we watch that instead?” He pleaded.

“Okay! It still has attractive guys! Tom Felton is so hot.” I agreed. So we watched Harry Potter instead, but eventually when he isn’t excepting it I am going to make him watch Twilight.

“Dobby is free.” When my favorite character said that I burst into tears knowing what happened. Bellatrix through the knife and the all disappeared to shell cottage.

Suddenly, I heard laughing from beside me I turned to see Axel was laughing. I hit him with a pillow, “You insensitive jerk! Dobby just died! How can you be laughing!” I hit him with the pillow between sentences.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that you were funny.” He said.

“How is crying funny?” I asked confused.

“I laugh at others miseries.”

“I respect that.” I nodded and sat back down on my bed, “I’m tired!” I whined and laid my head on his chest.

“Then go to sleep.” He answered.

“I can’t if you are still talking.” Some people are so stupid.

“Then I will stop talking.” He said. It was quiet for a few moments.

“It’s too quiet!” I whined.

“Just go to sleep.”

“I can’t I’mambidextrous.”

“That means you write with both hands, how does that have anything to do with anything?” He asked.

“Don’t judge me.” Then with that I was asleep.

I learned a very valuble lesson that day…Axel makes a great pillow.


Sorry it took so long! But you are welcome Lstornelli27 and mentalinsanity! And all of my other readers who I don't really want to list. But you are alot nicer then Ls17 and mental, because you don't yell at me.

Thank you!

V----V Vampireluver23 

PS. The quote at the beginning of the chapter is from my favorite author ever! I also met her at a book signing, it was pretty awesome. But so if you like my stories you would lover hers! You can find them at any book story and they are also e-books... i think. But yeah it's from the Mortal Instrument series, first book is City of Bones. Just saying. They are fan-freaking-tastic!

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