Chapter Thirty-Five;

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"How could you do this to me?" I choked out, and wiped a few more tears away.  I stood in front of Brian as he sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.  He finally looked up at me, eyes filled with guilt.  "It was an accident.  I was drunk-"

                "That's an excuse, Brian.  If you really loved me, you wouldn't have done it."  The tears kept coming, even though I didn't want them to.  "When did you sleep with her?"

He stood up, and tried grabbing my hands, but I jerked away.  "Why does it matter?"

I took a step back, "Just tell me, Brian.  When did you have sex with her?"

He just stared at me.  "It was before we even got back together.  It doesn't matter."

                "You're lying." I stated.  I walked to my side of the bed, and grabbed my suit case.  I put it on the bed, and started piling my things in it.

Brian came over to me, to try and stop me.  "Jenna, stop it!  You're being stupid."

I scoffed.  "I'm being stupid?  You're the one that cheated, you asshole."

I pushed him out of my way, and zipped my suit case.  "I knew it wasn't going to work anyway." I muttered.

He didn't even know what to say.  He didn't seem so sorry.  He didn't even say sorry.  "You can at least say something."

His eyes flashed to mine, and he just had this blank stare.  "I'm sorry." he mumbled.

                "It was the first night you were here, wasn't it?" I tried again.

He just nodded slowly, and looked away from me.  "Not only did you cheat, you lied to me."  I started getting choked up again. 

                There was banging on the door, and the guys yelled for Brian on the other side.  "Please, just stay until I get back, so we can talk."

I shook my head.  "I won't be here when you get back."

                "Jenna, you can't do this to me!  Give me a chance to explain!" he pleaded.

I continued to shake my head.  "You did explain.  I won't be able to trust you again.  There's no relationship without trust."

                "What are you saying?"  His voice was weak now.

I wiped a tear away and looked up at him.  "It's over, Bri.  This relationship and this friendship."

He was quiet.  "I'll be moved out of your place by the time you get back." I added.

                "You can't just close me out!  You have to let me talk-"

                "No, I don't!  I tried, and you lied to me!" I repeated.  I didn't feel bad about any of this.  I only felt bad about how our friendship was ruined because we fell in love.  "Just go so I can finish packing."  I walked into the bathroom, and closed the door behind me.  I waited to hear the hotel room door open and close before exiting the bathroom.

                I can't believe he would do that.  Of course, because he's a big rock star, and I'm not old enough to drink.  I'm a kid to him.  That's all I'll ever be.  It just wouldn't work in the first place.  I don't know why I pushed it.  Now I've ruined our friendship.  Now I felt like the fool.  I had fallen in love with my best friend.  I should have known there would have been a price.

I was already on the plane back to Georgia by the time Brian decided to call me and text me several times.  He should have known I wouldn't answer any of them.  And apparently he didn't take me serious about leaving.  I didn't want to leave, but then again I did.  How can he explain cheating?  He did.  He was drunk.  I don't care if he was sober.  Cheating is cheating.  Either way, he shouldn't have done it.  He ruined my summer. 

                When the plane landed, I was so tired.  All I wanted was to go home and sleep.  I took a cab to Brian's house, and let myself in.  I carried my suit cases upstairs, and dropped them on the floor.  His scent was in this room, and it made me tear up a little.  I didn't even know where to begin with packing.  So, I'll just go get some boxes tomorrow, and start packing my things up.

                I took a quick shower, and changed into night clothes before climbing into bed.  I was just about to fall asleep, but my phone went off.  I grabbed it from the bedside table, and Jimmy's name popped up.  "Hello?" I answered.

                "Jenna!  Where the hell are you?  Everyone has been looking for you!" his voice was stern.

I was confused.  "Brian didn't tell you?"

                "Tell me what?"

I sighed.  "We broke up, Jimmy."

His gasp was loud on the other side.  "What?  When?  How?  What?" he repeated.

I took a deep breath, trying not to cry again.  "It's just not going to work..." I trailed off.  I decided I would spare Brian, and not say anything about him cheating.

                "But you guys looked guys were doing fine..."

I shook my head, even though he couldn't see it.  "No, Jimmy.  He's just gone too much, and it's not healthy for us."

He was silent for a moment.  "Well come here so we can talk."

                "I'm home, Jim."

                "You're back in Georgia?" he seemed even more surprised.

                "I just got home a few hours ago."

He was quiet again.  "What really happened, Jenna?"

I wasn't going to say anything.  I would let Brian do that.  "That's it." I muttered.

I heard yelled on the other end.  "Hold on, I'm talking to Jenna!" he yelled at someone.  I heard scrambling, and then another voice.  "Where are you?"  It was Brian.

The last person I wanted to talk to.  "I'm home." I stated.

He let out a loud sigh.  "Please come back." he whispered.

                "That's not an option."

There was silence before he spoke.  "I love you."

I hung up before I started crying.  I curled against one of his pillows, and let it out. 

                Everything just happened so quickly. 


Eh, it seems rushed, I'm sorry. D:  I said this would be the last chapter, but the next chapter is going to be the last chapter.  And then there will be an epilouge.  But NO sequel!  The way I'm ending it, it won't need one.  

Thank you to everything who has supported me through this story!  And keeping up with it, even if I suck at updating most of the time, haha.

I love you guys! <3

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