Chapter Twenty-Eight;

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I sat waiting at Diana’s dinner for Liam’s appearance.  It was going on almost nine, because I couldn’t get out of the house.  The moon replaced the sun, and the stars replaced the clouds.  I’ve been thinking about too much today, and I missed Brian.  And I couldn’t help but miss Liam when he wasn’t around, either.  I pushed my thoughts away, when Liam was walking towards the booth I was sitting at.  I scooted out, and pushed a smile as I greeted him with a hug.

                After a small embrace, he took the seat across from me. “So, did your parent’s find out?” he asked.

I shook my head, “No, thank god.  But one of their vases had gotten broke, and they noticed.  I told them it was an accident, blah, blah, blah.”

He laughed.  “Good then.”

A slightly awkward pause.  “What are we supposed to be talking about?” He asked nervously.

I shrugged leaning forward over the table.  “Us.”

He sighed, “There isn’t an “us”.  I would like to believe there was, but I really don’t have a chance, do I?”

I didn’t have an answer.  “I don’t know, Liam.  I just…” I trailed off, not really knowing which direction my sentence was heading in.

I looked at him, curious to why he stayed around so long.  “Do you see a future with Brian?” he asked.

I really thought about it.  After a few moments, I answered.  “I do—well; at least I thought I did.”

                “Did…?” he pushed.

I lifted a shoulder, and let it drop.  “I’ve always pictured myself having a future with Brian.  Going on tour, living together…”

                “Nothing that involved me.” He had a pained expression that tugged at my heart.

I want Liam in my life; I just don’t know what as.  A friend or more.

I stood from the booth, and scooted in next to him.  “I don’t know what I want.” My voice was shaking.  I looked up at him, and he was looking down at me.  “I really don’t want to wait around for you to find out.” He stated.

I deserved that.  “I don’t want you to.  I think we should be friends right now—”

                “Why?  Because you’re waiting for Brian to ask you to be his girlfriend?”

I didn’t want that to be the reason.  “Like I said, I don’t know what I want.”

                “Yes, you do.”

I looked down, and fumbled with my hands.  “I remember what I said to you last night,” I looked back in his direction.  “I told you that sometimes I wanted you, and only you.  And it’s true.  And sometimes I think the want for you, over powers the want for Brian.”

He seemed surprised, but not completely. 

I took a deep breath, exhaling slowly.  “I want to be completely honest with you, but don’t take advantage of my honesty.  Don’t make this a game.  It’s not a game; it’s my life you’re messing with.”

He nodded.  “I know, and I’m sorry.  I actually didn’t think you would go after a guy like me, so I had nothing to lose.”

I leaned my elbow on the table, and rested my head in my hand.  “Well, now you do.”

He gave me a small smile.  “I won’t lose you.”

We didn’t talk much after that, we decided I should go home, and Liam greatly drove me home.  We sat in my driveway for a moment before I went inside.  I wasn’t ready to go inside.  “I’ll see you Friday.  If I don’t, it’s because my parents found out about the party, and they shipped me off to boarding school in England.”

He laughed.  “I could have settled for a goodnight.  But I hope you don’t get shipped off to England.”

I smiled.  “See you later.” I leaned over the center console, and I was hoping to leave a kiss on his cheek.  Instead, Liam moved his head a little, catching my lips with his.  He kissed me softly, and I pulled back.  “Goodnight, Liam.” I got out of the car, and before I closed the door he called out a goodnight.  I finally got the door closed, and I walked inside my house.

“Where are you?  Are you almost here?” I rushed.

I could hear Brian’s laughter on the other side of the line.  “I’m standing in my driveway.  Where are you?”

                “I’m on my way.”  I hung the phone up before he could get in another word.

Brian only lived about five minutes away, so I slipped on my shoes, and ran out of the house.  I ran as fast as my legs would go.  I picked up speed once I came to his street.  I stopped to take a breath when I could see the view of his house, and him turning in circles until he saw me.  He smiled, and I took off running again.  He had his arms open, and I greatly jumped into them, wrapping mine around his neck.  “You’re not allowed to leave anymore.” I murmured against the side of his neck.  My breathing was quick, and matched my heart beat, which quickened when I saw him.

                He squeezed me tight for a moment, and sat me back down on my feet.  I kept a grip on his forearms to keep myself balanced.  “You’ve said that before.” He scrunched his nose at me.

I searched his eyes, “This time I mean it.  You’re not going anywhere.”  I reached up, gripping his face, and pulling his lips down to mine.  The heat of Brian’s lips burned Liam completely from my mind.  His mouth opened under mine, kissing me back with no hesitation.  I never realized how much you could actually miss a person, until Brian came into my life.  I didn’t like the feeling at all.

                I took a step back, pulling our lips apart.  I slowly opened my eyes, meeting his light brown ones.  “You’re probably tired.” I stated, taking that step forward again.

He placed a hand on the back of his neck, “Dead tired.  But I have a feeling I won’t be getting a nap in?” he asked.

I laughed, placing my palms on his chest.  “No sleeping yet.  You just got here.  You have tonight to sleep.”

                “Not if you’re going to be here.” He smirked. 

He placed an arm at the bends of my knees, and picked me up.  I giggled as he carried me inside, and sat me down on the couch.  “It’s probably going to rain.” He said as he pulled the curtains closed, leaving us in almost complete darkness.

I sat up on my elbows, and he was walking towards me.  He sat beside me, and looked down at me.  “Perfect time for a scary movie.”

I nodded, “Just like old times.”

He stood up the put a movie in.

                I sat up, and let him lay down behind me.  I lay back down, and pressed my back against his chest.  His arm lay gently down my side, resting his hand on my hip.  I placed my arm over his, lacing our fingers.  “You have no idea how happy I am you’re back, and not leaving again.”

I heard him sigh behind me.  “I’m probably happier.” He let out a light chuckle.

I turned my head a little in his direction.  “I mean it.  I missed you.  And I hate missing you.”

                “I’m sorry.” He replied softly.

I gave him a small smile.  “Don’t be sorry.  As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.” I kissed a small patch of skin on his jaw, and focused back on the movie.  It took fifteen minutes for Brian to fall asleep.


Sorry it's short, and kinda vague and boring.

I'm having troble typing at the moment.

I'll post another chapter tomorrow. :3

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