Chapter Eighteen;

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I stood in front of Matt’s house, watching my parent’s back out of the driveway, and off in a new direction.  I took a deep breath before walking up the pathway to the front door.  I was nervous for tonight, and I wasn’t sure why.  It could possibly be the fact I’m going to be in the same house as Brian and Liam, know how I feel.  And Brian knows how I feel.  I shook myself mentally, and knocked on the door.  I waited a few seconds, and the door swung open revealing Liam’s charming face.  “Hey,” he smiled, and opened the door wider for me to enter.  Once inside, he closed the door behind me.  I turned back around to face him, “Glad you could make it.”  He took a few steps closer to me, resting a hand on my lower back.  He pulled me closer, leaving a kiss on my cheek.  He breathed out, and I could feel the chills down my spine.

                He kept his hand resting on my lower back as we entered the living room.  I scanned the room for Brian, and spotted him leaning against the wall with his back towards me.  He was in deep conversation with Zacky, so I didn’t bother him.  Instead, I followed Liam into the kitchen.  He laughed when he realized I had followed him.  “Aren’t you going to go say hi to Brian?” he asked.  He grabbed and oven mitt, and pulled open the oven to get well done batch of cookies from the oven.  I watched him place them on top of the stove, and grab the platter already filled with a batch.  I leaned against the counter beside him, “Um, he looked busy.  So I’ll talk to him later.”

He finished putting the cookies on the platter, and turned towards me.  “Even if we aren’t dating, or exclusive, or official, whatever you want to call it, can I still kiss you?”

I thought about Brian, and how I told him I wanted to be with him.  I looked up at him, “You don’t ask if you can kiss someone.  Then you think about it, and then—”

I was interrupted by the feel of his lips.  There was something different about kissing Liam, and kissing Brian.  I couldn’t put my finger on the difference, but something was there.  I really felt something when I kissed Liam.  It was slow, and passionate.

                I stood up on my tippy-toes, causing Liam to smile into the kiss.  I cupped his face to hold onto my balance.  As he pulled away from me, he bit my bottom lip gently.  “Next time I won’t ask.”

I wrinkled my nose, and kissed him again.  “Wow.” The voice crept up behind us.  It was a voice I was all too familiar with.  I watched Liam’s gaze tare from mine slowly, and look behind me.  Liam’s fingers were tight around my wrist as he brought my hands down from his face.  He looked down at me, shaking his head slowly.  I turned around, and watched Brian lean against the frame of the kitchen entrance.  “Sorry, am I interrupting something?” he gestured towards us, tipping the cup he held in his hands, to his mouth.  He chugged whatever it was, and sat the cup down on the counter.

                He cocked his head, narrowing his eyes.  “I always knew you liked her.”

I felt Liam stiffen behind me.

Brian straightened up, and continued.  “And as for you,” he pointed towards me.  “I’m quite surprised.  Matt’s brother?  Really?”

I crossed my arms over my chest, not saying anything.

                “I thought you actually did want to be with me—”

I opened my mouth to speak, but he lifted his hand to silence me.  “Liam knows.  Who do you think Matt talks to most of the time?  Definitely not to me…” he trailed off.  Brian glanced between us, shaking his head.  He turned on his heels, and walked back out of the kitchen.

I was furious.

I turned around, and thumped Liam’s chest. 

He placed his hand over where I thumped, “Ow!  What was that for?”

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