Chapter Eight

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Everyone started arriving as soon as we got all the food on the table.  If I was to write everyone’s name down on a piece of notebook paper, I think it would take two pieces, from and back.  There were so many people here.  I know all the guys were here, with their girlfriends.  And Jimmy’s sister was here, Brian’s parents, my grandparents, and the list goes on.  When we all seated around the table, I made sure I was next to Brian.  I was seated between Brian, and Matt’s younger brother, Liam.  I think Liam was maybe a year older than me.  I believe he just graduated last year and started college in the fall.  While Brian was completely ignoring me, like usual, I turned to Liam.  “So, how’s school going?” He was always the quiet type, so he was surprised to see me talking to him.

He smiled, and nodded, “Pretty good.”

I gave him a smile.  “That’s good.  I remember when we were in pre-school together.”

He laughed, and I knew why.  “I actually ran into Mrs. Claudia a few days ago.  She works at the college.”

                “Did her left eyebrow grow back?” I giggled.

He shook his head, “You can’t tell though.  She remembered me quite well, though.”

                “She probably took off screaming in the other direction.”

                “She was about to.”

I laughed.  “Gosh, we were horrible kids.”

He took a deep breath, exhaling slowly, “They were the best times.”

I nodded in agreement, “What happened?  We used to be best friends.”

                “I guess it’s when you met Brian.  We kind of fell out.” He shrugged.

                “It sucks.  We need to hang out more.”

I felt bad, because of how he worded it.  But it’s true.  When Brian came in the picture, I stopped hanging out with him.  We used to be so close, and now we are complete strangers.  “Maybe we can go for a walk later, or something.  And catch up.” He suggested, and sent a smile in my direction.

                “Sounds good.  We’ll sneak out after desert.”

He opened his mouth to reply, but Brian interrupted but nudging my shoulder.  “What?” I whispered, a little harshly.

His eyes widened, and he made a funny face at me, in return, making me laugh.  “What, Brian?” I asked a little friendlier.  He scooted closer to me, and rested his head on his hand, “We need to talk as soon as possible.” He gave me a sad smile.

                “Um, I know.  We are talking before you leave here.”

He smirked, “Who said I was leaving?”

I eyed him for a second, “What are you talking about?”

                “I’m spending the night, like old times.”

I was still a bit confused, “Um, I don’t think my parent’s will go for that.”

He shrugged, “It’s already taken care of.  I told your parent’s they are doing electrical work on my house, so I don’t have any electric.  They said I can help myself to the guest room.”

                “Also known as the other side of my bed.” I laughed.

He smirked, “That works too.”  He’s been acting a little flirtatious with me, and I have to say, I kind of like it.

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