Chapter Twenty;

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After the first three bands, the crowd fell quiet.  That means they’re on next, and I wasn’t ready for it.  I’m sure my ribs are bruised, along with arms from being pushed, and shoved.  We remained by the barrier, and Liam’s arm was tight around my waist.  Something about he doesn’t want to lose me in the crowd.  Which is just code for, you’re not going anywhere whether you like it or not.

                There were people conversing, mumbling, and making out all around us.  Chloe stood watching the stage with her arms crossed against her chest.  Liam’s arm dropped from my waist, and I turned to face him.  “Does anyone know who you are?” I questioned.

He shrugged.  “I don’t know.  I think I did see some girls making googly eyes at me.”

I laughed, “I doubt that’s why they are looking at you.”

                “Wow, did you just give me a compliment?”

                “Oh, like you don’t know you’re attractive.”

He smirked.  “I’ll take what I can get.”

I felt a tap on my shoulder coming from beside me.  I turned around, and I was facing an unfamiliar face.  She looked like she was in her twenties, blonde with black streaks.  She was a tad taller than me.  “Hi,” she smiled.

I raised an eyebrow.  “Um, hi?”

She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and turned to Liam.  “Has anyone ever told you, you look like Matt?  You know the lead singer of Avenged Sevenfold.”

I snorted, and Liam chuckled.  “Yes, I’ve been told that.”

She gave him a flirty smile and turned back in my direction.  “Aren’t you the girl Synyster’s dating?”

This time Liam snorted.  I quickly shook my head, “Wrong person.  I don’t even know him personally.”

She frowned a little.  “Well, bummer.  I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”

I smiled, “It’s fine.”

She returned the smile, and turned on her heel.  She threw Liam another flirty smile before disappearing completely.

                I face Liam again, and he had a huge smile.  “That was…exciting.”

I wrinkled my nose.  “That was random.”

I flick my eyes to his.  I couldn’t really see the color, it was too dark.  But I could tell he was still smiling.  “Why did you lie to her?” he asked.

I lifted a shoulder, and dropped it.  “I really wasn’t lying, though.”  I turned away from him, and rested my arms against the rails.

                I looked towards the stage as the curtains opened slowly.  My stomach dropped.  I felt Liam’s fingers on the small of my back, reminding me that I’m not to leave.  Chloe straightened up beside me, and started jumping and clapping her hands.  Liam curled his fingers around my shirt, balling it into his fist.  I felt his lips close to my ear, and his breath trickled down my neck.  “It will be fine.”  He left a kiss on the side of my head.  I nodded, feeling sure.

                Fire blazed behind the death bat, which was located behind the drums.  They’ve always had the best stage shows, in my opinion.  There was always fire, and a crazy entrance.  My heart took up speed when the intro to “Nightmare” started playing.  It reminded me of a haunted lullaby.  I wanted to look away from the stage, because I knew Brian would be standing on that platform in a matter of seconds.

                Then there he was.  Standing on the raised, rectangular platform, waiting for his part to come in.  My heart was still beating fast, and I felt a little dizzy.  He looked the same, and I was surprised I would have thought different.  He didn’t see me first off, and I was thankful for that.  He looked down at his hands while he played his part.  Matt came through, and Brian stepped off the platform.  Matt started singing, and Brian was all the way on the left side of the stage.

                Johnny came up beside Matt, and noticed me first off.  He pointed to me, and smiled.  Zacky was on the right side of the stage, and Jimmy was obviously behind the drums.  Matt soon enough noticed us, and gave us a wave and a smile as good as possible.  I returned the smile with no hesitation, and I actually relaxed a little.  It’s not as bad as I thought it would be, and I’m actually starting to enjoy myself.  I haven’t been to one of their shows in awhile, and it was good to be back.  I was comfortable, and I knew my place.

                I got nervous when the solo came up.  Zack and Brian took up the platform, side by side.  Zack scanned the crowd, and gave Brian a nudge.  They smiled at each other, and Zack nudged his head in my direction.  Brian looked at him curiously, and finally faced me.  His face hardened, and he stepped off the platform quickly when his solo was over.  That’s not how I wanted that to go.  And now I’m nervous again, because I know I’m going to have to face him when the show is over.

Through the set list, Liam’s hand never left my back.  Chloe was having the time of her life beside me, and I was happy she was happy.  I felt a little uneasy as we leaned closer to the end of the show.  I didn’t want to see Brian, but there was no way out of it.  He didn’t give me too many glances through the show.  And the one’s I did get, weren’t exactly what I hoped I would get.  Getting glares from him is not something I’m used to.  I used to getting his full attention when he does shows.  Giving smiles, waving to me, sending me funny faces.

                But all I received were glares that could burn holes in my face.  I returned the smiles I would get from the rest of the guys.  I got not a single one from Brian.  I know I wasn’t happy about it, even though I should know by now.

They did “A Little Piece of Heaven” for the encore.  I was excited and nervous for the show to end.  Excited, because it’s over, and no more death glares from Mr. Haner, and nervous because I’ll be face to face with him in less than fifteen minutes.  When the song was over, Matt left the stage.  Jimmy, Johnny, Brian, and Zacky walked back and forth across the stage, throwing out guitar picks, and drum sticks.  Brian would usually throw me one, but he didn’t.  I didn’t expect him too.  I have a shoe box at home with a lot of his guitar picks he has thrown me over the years, or have given to me.

                The room started clearing out, and we were the last people to leave.  I imagine some of them would go to the back of the building in hope they guys will come out.  Matt and Jimmy might be the only ones to go out.  We turned down a new hallway, in the direction of the back.  There were two large security guys, which recognized us right away.  Liam first, and then me.  Chloe had to show them her ticket, and we made our way down another hallway.

                When we turned the corner, there he was.  He has his back to us.  He leaned against the wall, and was in deep conversation with Johnny.  As we walked closer, my heart started beating faster.  There was no way I was getting out of this.


The next chapter will be up in a few.

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