Chapter Thirty-Two;

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Brian's POV.

“Jenna!” I called from my bedroom.  I stood in front of a full length mirror, trying to figure this tie thing out.  I don’t wear ties, so I don’t know how to assemble one. Jenna came in, and stood beside me.  “Do you know how to do this?” I gestured towards the tie I made into a knot.

She laughed, and stood in front of me.  “It’s not that hard.”  She tapped the bottom of my chin, and I tilted my head back a little.

I sighed loudly.  “Well, I had no need to learn, until now.”

She stood there for a few seconds, fumbling with the tie.  She gave my chest a pat, telling me she was finished.  I adjusted it a little with a small smirk, “Where’d you learn to do that?”

                “I would help my grandpa after my grandma passed away.  I didn’t think I would be using my tie assembling skills anytime soon.” She laughed.

I joined her laughter and took a step towards her.  I cupped her face, bringing her lips to mine for a second.  “So, are you going to tell me where you’re going?” She asked.

I raised an eyebrow.  “I told you.  I’m having dinner with your dad.”

Her smile fell, and she shook her head.  “Um, no you didn’t.”

I looked at her curiously.  “I didn’t?  I guess it just slipped my mind.”

                “It slipped your mind?”

I waved my hand. “Well, Jenna, I’m going to dinner with your dad.  I’m surprised he didn’t tell you.”

                “How could he?   I’ve been hiding out here for the past two weeks.”

I grinned.  “And it’s been grand.”  I walked over to my bed, grabbing the suit jacket.  I slid one arm in, and then the other.  I adjusted myself, and I felt ready to go.  But still slightly nervous.

                I walked back up to Jenna, and placed my hands on her shoulders.  “I’ll be back soon and hopefully in one piece.”

She sighed.  “You don’t have to do this—”

                “Yes, I do.” I interrupted. “It’s important to me.  If we’re together, I don’t want your dad hating me.  And I don’t think he’d come around to it without some convincing.  You and I both know that.”

She nodded.  “I guess I’ll take this opportunity to go to my house and get some clothes, and talk to my mother.”

I walked up to her, taking her face gently into mine.  “I’ll be there to pick you up when it’s over.”

She smiled a small smile.  “Make sure he keeps my boyfriend in one piece.”

I laughed.  “I’ll be sure to tell him.

We shared a laugh before I kissed her several times, and left.  I hope I get back in one piece.

I parked my car, and sat there for a few minutes.  I was waiting for the nerves to settle, but they didn’t.  They only got worse.  I took a deep breath, and got out of the car.  I fixed my jacket, and started walking in the direction of the entrance.  I stopped at the hostess stand, and she looked up.  “Brian?” She asked.  I looked at her curiously.  “Clarissa?”

She smiled, and walked around the podium to throw her arms around me.  I stiffened up, and she stepped back.  “I’m sorry.” She mumbled.

                “I didn’t know you were back.”

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