Chapter Seventeen; Brian's P.O.V

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Brian’s POV

I sat across from her at the dinner table.  Matt was on one side, and Zack on the other.  I couldn’t help but glance her way every chance I got.  She hasn’t looked at me once.  I watched her converse with Liam instead.  They sat unbelievably close.  It made me nervous.  I wanted to know what she was thinking.  I could never tell.  I usually have to ask her what’s on her mind. 

                I watched Liam brush a hand over her cheek, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.  She blushed, and giggled a little.  No one bothered talking to me.  They were all talking among themselves, excluding me.  I let Jenna talk to Liam.  I do love her, but I’m not going to stand in the way.  I know her and Liam kind of have a thing.  I think it’s right if she dates someone her age.  I’ll support it.  That doesn’t mean I’m exactly okay with it.  It hurts seeing her with him, but I couldn’t tell her that.  I don’t want her to feel guilty.  We aren’t together…yet.

We all moved into the living room shortly after dinner.  Everyone was talking, and having a good time.  I found an empty seat on the couch, sitting next to Jimmy.  I scanned the small crowd for Jenna.  She wasn’t found, nor was Liam.  I looked down at my clasped hands, and my legs were bouncing uncontrollably.  The moment I glance up, I found Jenna and Liam sneaking out the front door, grinning ear to ear.  A sharp pain struck at my chest, and my stomach fell.  I looked away from the door once it closed, feeling a little uneasy. 

                I felt a nudge, and turned in Jimmy’s direction.  “What’s wrong?”

I gave him a shrug, and a sly smile.  “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.”

He sucked his lips in, letting out a long breath.  “I’ll stop worrying, when you do.”

I tore my eyes away from his.  I knew he was right.  “I know.” I replied softly.

                “I know you want to be with her.” He said softly.

                “I do.” I tipped my glass, letting the liquids flow into my mouth.  “She said she wants to talk to me later.”

He raised an eyebrow, “Did she say if it was good or bad?”

I shook my head, “No, but she was smiling.  I don’t think it’s bad.”

He nodded.  “Let’s say you guys do get together, and become a couple.  What’s going to happen?”

I sat up, and narrowed my eyebrows.  “What do you mean?”

                “She’s not eighteen yet, Bri.  You could go to jail.”

I couldn’t think like that.  “And her parents,” he continued.  “What will they think?  And you’re always on tour, and—”

                “That’s enough.” I stopped him.

He held up his hands, “I’m sorry.  But it is things you have to think about.”

He was right, once again.  I never really gave much thought to these things.

The front door opened moments later, and they both stepped inside.  His fingers laced with hers.  That should be me, but I can’t tell her that.  The more I saw those two together, the more it hurt.  I watched them let go of each other, and Liam came into the living room, Jenna following close behind.  I watched Jimmy get up, and walk over to Matt, muttering something.  I was too focused on them, and didn’t realize I had company.  I turned my head a little, giving Jenna my full attention.  “Sorry we haven’t had a chance to talk yet.”

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