Chapter Twenty-One;

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Johnny looked over Brian’s shoulder, and smiled.  I wanted to run.  I even tried, but Liam and Chloe both grabbed my wrists to stop me.  Brian stood from the wall, and turned around slowly.  He had the same expression when he saw me from the stage.  His eyes met mine for a second, and then went to Liam and Chloe.  “I’m glad you guys could make it.”

Liam snorted.

Johnny nudged his head in the direction of a room, and Chloe followed him.  I saw it was their dressing room.  That left Liam, myself, and Brian together.  And I thought this couldn’t get any worse.  “I didn’t think you would come.” He said.  He looked at me while he said it, so I know it was towards me.

Liam’s hand rested on my back, “I’m going to go find Matt.”  He gave me a nod with a small smile, before walking behind Brian, and down another hallway.

                Brian watched his disappear, and then turned his gaze back to mine.  “Why are you here?” he asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

                “I didn’t want to be here.  I was practically kidnapped, and forced to come here.”

He shrugged, “Why?”

I shook my head, “I don’t know.”

                “Well, you’re free to go now.  Your body guards aren’t here.”

I looked around, and no one was in the hallways.  “Believe me, you’re the last person I want to see.”

He looked hurt at first, but recovered in seconds.  “I could say the same.  So, you can go.”

He gestured towards the way we came.

I glared at him.  “I really don’t know what happened to you, but you turned into a really big asshole.  You would have never talked to me like the way you do now.”

He doesn’t even look fazed.  “We aren’t friends, so I really don’t care how you feel, or what you do, or how you think of me.  I don’t care about you anymore, don’t you get it?  I don’t want to see you.”

He could have taken a knife, stabbed me in the chest, and that would have been less painful. 

                I felt a few tears fall down my cheeks, and I wiped them away.  “I can’t believe you.  You’re heartless, Brian Haner.”

He huffed, and rolled his eyes.  His reached out, wrapping his fingers tight around my wrist.  He jerked me in a new direction, until we stopped in front of a door.  He swung it open, pushing me inside.  I heard the door close, and he turned on a light.  It was a dressing room.  “I can’t have you crying out there.”

I sniffled, and put my face in my hands.  “I can’t believe this is happening.” I mumbled between sobs.  I lifted my head, and noticed he had been staring at me.

                I walked towards the door, but he blocked me from going out it.  “Get out of my way.”

He shook his head.  “When you stop crying, I’ll let you leave.”

More tears fell.  “I’m never going to stop crying!” I raised my voice a little.  “I’ve been crying for the past month!  It’s never going to go away.  And it doesn’t get easier.”

He had a blank stare.  “Now you see how I feel—”

                “You’ve never cried yourself to sleep because of me.  You have no idea what I’ve been going through.”

He slumped against the door, arms crossed over his chest.  His eyes still locked on mine, “You don’t know that.”

I nodded, “Yes, I do.  I’ve never done anything like this to you before.”

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