Chapter Seven

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It was the night before Thanksgiving, and I couldn’t even think about sleep.  I had homework to finish, and Brian is flying in tomorrow morning.  I have yet to find out Brian’s bad news.  I haven’t talked to him much this past week.  If anything, I was avoiding any possible conversation.  Ever since Chloe brought those things up to me, that’s all I thought about.  Starting to think about it again, I slammed my book shut and walked over to my bed.  I looked at the clock on my bedside table, and it was eleven P.M.  I rubbed my eyes, and climbed into bed.  I turned my light off, and grabbed my phone off the table.  No messages from Brian.  I guess he got the hint.  I fell asleep in a few minutes, feeling guilty.

“Time to get up!” My mom sang as she came in my room.  I groaned, throwing the cover over my face.  She came over to my side of the bed, and threw the blanket off of me.  “Brian is here.  Now get up.”  He’s over early, and I was worried about seeing him.  I’m usually excited, well, I am excited.  Really excited.  “What?  Why is he here so early?”

                “He came here at five in the morning when his plane got in.  Now get up.”

She pushed me a little, and I got up out of bed.  She left me alone, and I walked into my bathroom.  I brushed my hair, and made sure I didn’t have any existing drool around my mouth.  I pulled my hair back up into a ponytail, and started towards the stairs.  It’s now or never, I guess.

                I reached the bottom, and walked into the living room.  I could hear Brian’s voice and laughter floating from the kitchen.  I smiled to myself a little.  I came into the kitchen, and Brian was leaning against the counter, while my mom was cooking breakfast.  “Wow.  Smells amazing.” Brian turned and his smile grew bigger.  He grabbed me, bringing me into one of his bear hugs I enjoyed so much.  “I missed you more than you can imagine.” He whispered.  He gave me a little squeeze before releasing me.  “I missed you too.” I smiled.  We walked over to the kitchen table, and started on breakfast.  I really did miss Brian.  More than usual.  I have a feeling when he leaves again it’s not going to be that easy.

“Brian!  That’s not fair!” I screamed, nudging him with my elbow.  He went into a fit of laughter, and I just became angrier.  “I killed you! I saw it!”

When it came to playing Halo with Brian, he would always find a way to cheat.  Or I just sucked at it.  I sat on the edge of the bed with my legs crossed, and Brian sat next to me.  I dropped my controller out of frustration, and crossed my arms over my chest.  He continued to laugh as he placed his controller down.  He bumped into me, “You’re so cute when you’re angry.” 

I looked up at him, and punched his arm playfully.  “Well I’m about to be really freakin’ cute in a minute.”

He poked my nose, “I think somebody needs to take a nap.”

                “And I think somebody needs to stop being so mean.” I stuck my tongue out at him. 

He pushed my shoulder a little harder, and I lost my balance and fell off the bed.  I laughed, even though there was pain shooting through my head.  He rushed over to me, and when he saw I was laughing, he started laughing.  “Are you really laughing?” he asked.

I sat up, rubbing the back of my head.  “Laughter is the best medicine.” I smiled.

He rolled his eyes, “Are you okay?” he moved my hand, and replaced it with his.  He rubbed circles on the spot that was throbbing, and the pain was instantly relieved.  He locked my eyes with his, and I think that’s how I went completely numb.  I couldn’t feel much.  The only thing I could possibly feel, was him inching closer slowly.

                His eyes searched mine for a second, and he dropped his hand from the back of my head.  He sighed as he stood up, and held out his hand for me to take.  I gladly accepted, and he pulled me up.  We sat back down on my bed, and the throbbing of my head returned.  The thoughts of Brian’s bad news had returned.  I could only be distracted for so long.  “So…” I trailed off.  “Can we talk now?  I think you’ve done enough procrastinating for—” I glanced at my clock on the bedside table “—Four hours.”

He looked at me curiously, “What about?”

I thumped his head, “You know what I’m talking about.  Your bad news.  What is it?”

He sighed, turning away from me.  “Thought I forgot?” I asked.

He shook his head, “I guess I distracted you long enough.”

I nodded.  “Now out with it.”

He opened his mouth to speak, but my mom started yelling for me.  “We aren’t finished here.” I glared at him. 

                He followed me downstairs, and into the kitchen where my mom was running in between different things.  “Will you make sure the table is set, please?” she grabbed plates and shoved them into my hands.  She handed a stack to Brian as well.  We had a lot of people coming over today.  We had Brian’s parents, all of the guys and their girls, and my family.  We will have a full house.  We walked into the dining room, where my dad was just finishing putting the leaves in the table to extend it.  I sat the plates down, so I could help my dad put the table cloth back on.  After that, I grabbed my stack, and placed them around the table.  Brian did the same, just on the other side.  “When are your parents going to be here?” I asked.

                “Um, I think any minute.  They wanted to come early.”

We met at the end of the table as we sat the last plate down.  “Like you?” I smirked.

                “Something like that.” He chuckled.

                “Why did you come here so early?”

He shrugged.  “I guess I missed you that much.  And I really didn’t want to go home by myself.”

I poked his side, “Aw, is Brian still scared of the dark?”

                “What if I am?” he took a few steps closer to me.

I sucked in my bottom lip, looking up at him.  “Then I will have to protect you.”

He smiled slowly, “I would enjoy that.”

                “And why’s that?” I tried not to smile, but I couldn’t help it.

He took another step closer to me, caressing my face with one hand.  “Because you’re the only one who can.” He whispered.

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