Chapter Sixteen;

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“You’ll be back for dinner?” I ask. 

Brian nodded, “Of course.” He kissed my forehead and proceeded to the car.  I watched him back out of the driveway, and head in another direction.  With a sigh, I closed the door.

I walked back upstairs, and grabbed my phone off of my bedside table.  I need to talk to someone, so I texted Fallyn to see if she would come over and talk to me.  She accepted my invitation, and she said she’ll be here shortly.

                While I waited, I walked upstairs and took a shower quickly.  I pulled on new clothes, and braided my hair once again.  Just in time, Fallyn was stepping through my bedroom door as I stepped out of the bathroom.  “Sorry it took so long; Zack was being a bit stubborn.” She laughed, plopping down on the bed.  “He doesn’t like sharing.”

I shrug a shoulder, and join her.  “That’s understandable.” I laughed.

She took her shoes off, and crossed her legs like a pretzel.  “So,” she started.  “What’s going on?”

I took a deep breath, exhaling slowly, “Recently, I’ve grown a small attachment to Liam.”

He rolled her hand, gesturing for me to continue.  “I know all about it.  Liam told Matt, Matt went to Zack, and then Zack came to me.”

I nodded, “Well, uh, I confronted Brian about his feelings—”

                “You did what?” her eyes widened.

                “Um, was I not supposed to?”

She shook her head, and grabbed a hold of my arms.  “No, no, no.  It’s fine, just tell me what happened.”

I moved out of her grip, and looked down at my lap.  “He kissed me.” I mumbled.

I heard her gasp, and I looked up.  She had a huge grin plastered on her face.  “So are you guys a couple now?”

I shook my head slowly, and she frowned.  “I told you, I’m really starting to like Liam.  I don’t know what to do.”

                “Does Brian know about Liam?” she asked slowly.

I hesitated before I answered.  “No, well, I don’t think so.  Brian saw me come home last night in Liam’s car, and he didn’t ask questions.  I assume he knows, if Matt knows.”

She threw her head back with a groan.  She looked at me again, “Does Liam know anything?”

I sucked in my lips, and stayed quiet.

She laughed, “This is really not a good situation for you.”

                “Yeah, I got that.  And on top of that, Brian said he would wait for me.  I don’t even know what that means.”

She placed her hands on my shoulders lightly, “Believe me, I’ve heard it before.”

I raised an eyebrow.

She dropped her hands, “Brian talks about you all the time.”

I felt my face turn hot.  “I’m sorry.”

She let out another laugh.  “It’s fine, really.  It’s nice he likes someone like you.  Instead of Clarissa, who needed to be high fived in the face with a spiked ball.”

Clarissa is probably the most hated of Brian’s ex’s.  “You’re his best friend.” She continued.  “He’s always smiling when you’re around.  He’s always happy, never miserable.  To be honest, you’re perfect for each other.”

I looked up at her, and a sharp pain struck at my chest.  I brought my knees up, resting my chine between them.  “What do you think I should do?”

She sighed, shrugging a shoulder.  “Not to sound cliché, but do whatever your heart tells you.  If you want to be with Liam, be with Liam.  If you want to be with Brian, be with Brian.  And we both know who the obvious choice is.”

She was right.

                She stood from my bed, and I mocked her actions.  “I guess I better be going.  I told Zack I wouldn’t be long, and I should start getting ready.”

I walked her downstairs, and stopped at the front door.  She turned to me before she left, “I’ll be back for dinner.”

She gave me a smile, and I returned it.  “Thank you.  For talking to me.”

I gave her a quick hug, and she was gone within seconds.

                I walked back up to my room, and checked the time.  It was going on 6:00 P.M., and Dinner is at 7:30.  I walked to my closet, taking my dress out of its bag.  My mom and I went shopping a few days ago, and I thought it was perfect.  It’s navy blue, and it stops about a little less than a foot from the knees.  It was tight, and the sleeves were made of lace.  It went above my collar bone, and had a scalloped trim.  I liked the color, and I hope it looks as good on again.

After getting ready, I slipped on a pair of black pumps, and rushed downstairs without killing myself.  We are having even more people here than Thanksgiving.  That thought put me a little on edge.  I was happy I was going to be seeing Brian any minute.  I had to check my reflection to make sure I looked okay, and none of my makeup had smeared.  I decided to straighten my hair, and let it flow down my back.  It was a last minute decision.

                I found my parents in the kitchen, and they seem to be getting along pretty good.  “Do I need to do anything?”  My mom laughed, popping a cookie in my dad’s mouth.  He rubbed her hands together, and walked over to me.  “Take these,” she picked up a plate, and handed it to me.  “And put them on the coffee table.”

She shooed me to the living room, and I set the plate full of cookies down.

Just as I was about to re-enter the kitchen, the doorbell rang.  My heart skipped a beat, and I tried to calmly answer it.  I opened the door, and there stood all of the guys, and their girls.  No Brian yet.  I smiled, letting them in and gesturing towards the living room.              

                I was about to close the door, and someone’s foot had stopped the door from closing.  I opened it back up, and instantly felt bad, but I smiled, seeing the face of whom I’ve been waiting to see.  I opened it wider, waiting for Brian to come inside.  He stepped inside the door way, and stopped.  “Um, I have to close the door…” I laughed.

He shook his head, and pointed up.  I followed his finger, and there hung mistletoe.  I’ve never been caught under one before, but I really didn’t mind at the moment.  I took a step closer, wrapping my arms around his neck.  I leaned in slowly, placing my lips on his cheek.  “I have to talk to you later.” I whispered, and kissed his cheek once more. 

                I dropped my arms, and grabbed his hand.  I lead him into the living room, and I left to attend to the doorbell, which rang nonstop.  This is about the tenth time I’ve heard it ring, and I was just about to give up and talk to Brian.  When I opened the door, Liam stood there.  Looking completely gorgeous, and I kind of wanted to rip his clothes off.  He caught me scanning his body, and chuckled.  I felt my face flush.  He stepped inside, closing the door behind him.  He bent a little, giving me a light kiss on the cheek.  I could get used to Liam…


Kind of a filler, I guess.

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