Chapter Thirty-Three;

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“It’s Saturday.  You’re supposed to be all mine today.” Brian’s voice carried into the bathroom from his bedroom.  I laughed before exiting the bathroom to find him still in bed where I left him.  “It’s just dress shopping.  I’ll be back in time for dinner.”

He lifted his arms, and folded them behind his head.  “And to finish packing.  We leave tomorrow night.”

I leaned over him, “I’m pretty much packed.” I grinned.

He smiled.  “Well maybe I just want more alone time before we leave and not have any.”

                “I’ll be home in time for dinner.” I repeated in a whisper and gave him a quick kiss.

I pulled away and walked out of the room.  I headed down the stairs, and outside where Fallyn was waiting for me in the driveway.

I smiled as I opened the door and climbed in.  “Sorry, Brian can be a bit stubborn.”

She laughed as she started driving in a new direction.  “Believe me, I know.  I’m pretty sure it’s the whole band.  Charlotte called me earlier talking about Matt being stubborn about wedding cakes.”

I nodded.  “Sounds like Matt.  So, Matt’s getting married when we get back this summer, and you and Zack…?” I questioned.

She sighed.  “We haven’t quite decided.  I really want a small spring wedding.  Because Matt’s getting married in the fall, and we don’t need two fall weddings.”

                “I like spring weddings.”

                “Well, we will probably decide over the summer.” She paused.  “Sorry I missed your graduation.  But how was it?”

I nodded slowly but surely.  “It was good.  Brian couldn’t be there either, but I’m just glad it’s over.  I’m done with school, and I can now live a peaceful life with Brian.”

She pulled into a small dress shop and parked the car.  “And your dad?  How is that going?”

I shrugged.  “Slow.  He’s been okay around Brian, but not completely accepting it.  He’s not choking on his food anymore.”

She laughed and got out of the car.

                I followed close behind as we entered.  I believe her aunt owns this place, I wasn’t too sure.  They greeted each other and we started to scan the racks.

After dress shopping, we went to a few other places.  And by the time I got back to Brian’s, it was already dark outside.  It was going on almost eight, and I was surprised because he hasn’t texted me asking where I was.  The house was dark, so I ventured upstairs where I found Brian where I left him this morning.  “I really hope you haven’t been in bed all day.” I sighed and sat down beside him.  I shook him awake and he groaned loudly.  “I just got home an hour ago.”

I kicked off my shoes and crossed my legs like a pretzel.  “Where have you been?” I asked.

He opened his eyes slowly and looked at me.  “With the guys.  Matt needed help with something.”

I rested a hand on his leg and gave it a tap with my palm.  “Well, I’ll order some Chinese and you’re going to get out of bed.”

I stood up and walked downstairs.  I ordered the food, and as soon as I hung up, tight arms went around my waist and warm lips pressed against my temple.  “I missed you.” His warm breath trickled down my neck and I smiled.  I turned around in his arms and cupped his face.  “Sure you did.” I stood on my toes to meet his lips for a few seconds.  “What?  You don’t believe me?” he smirked and kissed me again.  He started backing me up into the living room.  “No, I don’t.”

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