Chapter Twenty-Six;

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“Who all are you inviting?” I asked Liam, flipping another page in my book.

He sat at my desk, fumbling with my phone in one hand, and his in the other.  After a few moments, he stood up, and walked towards the bed.  “Everyone in my contacts, and in yours.” He handed me my phone, and I looked up at him.  “I really hope you’re kidding about everyone in my contacts.”

He smirked.  “Oh come on, I’m sure your parent’s will show up for the party.”

I glared at him. “Like I said, I really hope you’re kidding.”

He sat down next me, and looked at me.  “Do you think I’m that stupid?  Of course I know better than to send that message to a few people.”

I sighed with relief.  “Good.  Now what?”

                “We have to get alcohol, and I know some guys that can.  They are friends of Matt’s, and that should be easy enough.  And you and I are taking a trip to the grocery store”—He checked his watch—“now.  So let’s go.”  He stood up, and offered his hand.  I sat up on the bed, and grabbed his hand, pulling myself up.  “I have a feeling I’m really, really going to regret this later.”

When we got to the store, we went down the aisles, throwing a variety of junk food into the cart.  “I thought you said there weren’t going to be many people?” I asked.

He chuckled.  “You’re smarter than that.”

                “Clearly, I’m not.  Or I wouldn’t have agreed to this in the first…” My statement trailed off, as we heard Liam’s name being called from behind us.  It was a female’s voice.  A young, female voice.  One I wasn’t too familiar with, but I’ve heard it before.  I turned sideways, looking at Liam.  His face hardened, and he didn’t look behind him.  I wrapped my hands around his arm, and I made him turn around.  “I’ll get rid of her.” I whispered.  I haven’t seen her since before they broke up, and she hasn’t changed at all.  Her long blonde locks fell over her shoulders.  She was an average height, and completely gorgeous.

                As she got closer, I elbowed Liam, and told him to smile.  “Hi, Anna.”  I pushed a smile, and wrapped my hands tighter around Liam’s arm.  “Jenna, is it?”

I nodded.  She glanced at Liam, and her smile grew bigger.  “Hi, Liam.” She bit her bottom lip, and scanned him.  Her eyes fell on my hands around Liam’s arm, and my hands.  I moved my hand down his arm slowly, and laced our fingers together. 

                She sighed loudly, and her eyes flicked to Liam’s.  “So, how have you been?” She smiled, and I could tell it was fake.  Liam glanced at me with a small grin, and he looked back to Anna.  “I’ve been great.  How have you been?”

She shrugged.  “I’ve been pretty good.  I’m happy.”

                “Well, you got what you wanted.  So I would hope so.”

Her smile fell.  “And it looks like you did, too.” She looked at me, “I thought you were dating Brian.”

I shook my head.  “Nope, we are just friends.” My chest hurt.  This is what I’ve been telling Liam for the past few months, and now I’m saying it about the guy I want to be more than friends with.  I didn’t expect this to get out of hand like this.

Liam’s palm started to sweat under mine, and I wondered who is the one that was making him nervous was, if it was me or Anna.  “Liam, we have to go.” I looked up at him, and he was too bust glaring at Anna.  “Liam.” I hissed, tugging his arm.

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