Chapter Ten

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My eyes looked everywhere, but directly into his.  “Oh, nothing.  It’s not important now.  Just go shower.”  I spun him around, and spanked his butt, urging him to the upstairs bathroom.  I pushed him inside the bathroom, and dropped my hands from his back.  He turned around and faced me, “Just so you know, I don’t have any clothes, so I’m going to be walking around naked.  Hope you don’t mind.” He smirked.

I laughed, “That’s a lie, and you know you have clothes here.”

He took a step back, placing a hand on his chest.  “That hurt a little.” He started to pretend cry.

                “No one wants to see you naked, Bri.”

His eyes widened, “Your nose is growing.”

I mean, I don’t think I would mind…I really shouldn’t be thinking about that.  “Just get your shower.  You know where your clothes are.”

He stuck his tongue out at me before I closed the door and left him.  I walked into my room, and looked at myself in the body length mirror attached to the wall next to my closet.  I wasn’t covered like Brian was.  I had some left on my face, and most of it was on my clothes.

                I walked to my dresser, pulling out a pair of cotton shorts, and a t-shirt Zacky got me for my birthday last year.  It was a one of a kind Vengeance University shirt.  I walked to my bathroom, and grabbed a towel hanging on the hook.  I wet it a little, and then removed my shirt and pants.  I wiped any visible pie off my body, and slipped on my clean clothes.  I ran a brush through my hair, and put it up into a tight pony tail, and then put my bobby-pins in to keep my bangs out of my face.

                Brian was still in the shower by the time I was finished.  He was covered in pie, so I guess that can explain it.  Well, he always took long showers.  Only god knows what he does in there.  I walked downstairs, and just about that time there was a knock at the door.  I opened the door, and found Fallyn standing there.  She’s Zack’s girlfriend, and a close friend of the family’s.  “Hey, I’m sorry to bother you.  But I think I left my phone here.”

                “Um, I think my mom may have found it.  I didn’t know whose it was.” I laughed, and let her in.  I directed her to the kitchen, where I forgot about mine and Brian’s mess.  “Uh…” she started, and trailed off, not taking another step.

I waved my hand over the messy floor, “I blame Brian.”

She nodded, “I see.” She finally took a step closer.

I walked over to where he phone was laying on the table, and grabbed it.  I brought it to her, and she wiped it off. “I’m sorry.” I giggled.

She shook her head, “As long as you guys are having fun.  You know I love seeing my brother happy.” She smiled.  I forgot to mention that…Fallyn is Brian’s little sister.  She’s only a year younger, I believe.  They could pass for twins though.

                I looked at her, a little uneasy.  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

                “Nothing, just thinking.” I smiled, even though it wasn’t real.

She gave me a playful shove, “You’re lying.  I could always tell when you lie, Jenna.”

I chewed on the inside of my cheek for a second, “Do you think Brian would forget me?  If he finds someone?”

She sucked in air through her teeth, and her eyes roamed.  Her eyes settled back on mine, “I think he’s already found someone, to be honest.  But he won’t forget about you.  You’re his best friend.” She gave me a reassuring smile.

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