Chapter Nine

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When the movie was over, I gave Brian a playful shove.  “What do you have against me tonight?” he laughed, holding out his hands.  “I’m hungry.” I whispered.  “You should fetch something from the kitchen.” I smiled.

He shook his head, “You’re so lucky that I love you.” He stood up, and walked into the kitchen.  I was just kidding, really.  When he tells me he loves me, I don’t know how to take it anymore.  I just remember him telling me that night, and I wanted so badly to bring it up.  But I was afraid of what his reaction would be.  I need to do it sooner or later though, and I figured right now is as good as any other time.  “Brian, we need to talk!” I yelled from the couch.

I heard a bunch of noise, and it finally stopped, “What?” he replied.

                “We need to—”

                “Come in here, I can’t hear you!”

I rolled my eyes, and stood from the couch.  I walked into the kitchen, and Brian wasn’t even in here.  “Brian?” I sang, walking through the center of the kitchen.  I felt an arm go around my waist, and something cold being smashed against my face.  “What the…?” I put my hand to my mouth, and scraped off whatever Brian had smashed against it.  It was pumpkin pie.  I turned around, and Brian was standing there with the evidence all over his hand.  He smirked, and shrugged a shoulder.  “How’s the pie?”

I placed my finger on my cheek, getting a little on my finger.  I stuck it into my mouth, and licked it off.  “It’s pretty good,” I looked on the island beside me, and that’s where the pie sat.  I glanced at Brian, and back at the pie tray.  I grabbed a handful, and walked towards Brian.  His eyes widened, and he tried backing up, but ended up against the wall.

                I stepped closer to him, and stopped a few inches away.  I looked at my handful of pie, and back to Brian who look mortified.  “Don’t you dare.” He whispered.  I smirked, “But I want you to try it, since I’m the one that made it.”  I moved my hand quickly, smashing the pie against the side of his neck, smearing it down his chest.  I smiled, licking my fingers.  “Is it good?” I asked.

He looked down at his chest, and back up to me.  His mouth dropped, and a smirk slowly formed on his lips.  “This is war.”  He shut the light off, and my heart dropped.  I’ve really started a war.  I giggled, and dropped down on the ground.  I crawled around the island, and poked my head up to grab one of the pies off the counter.  I had no idea where Brian even was as this point.

                I crawled on one hand, and ducked behind the other side of the island, because I’m sure Brian was close by.  “Jenna,” he sang, and I could hear his footsteps coming closer.  I covered my mouth to contain my laughter.  It was really dark, and I could barely see anything.  Brian’s footsteps were coming closer, and soon he was standing in front of me, but he didn’t know it.  He was about two feet away from me, and I could tell his back was facing to me.  I stood up slowly, and walked towards him quietly.  I held the pie in my hand, ready to be launched in his face, and I tapped on his shoulder.  He turned around quickly, “I got you something.” I laughed and smashed the pie directly in his face, letting the tray drop to the ground.  I smeared the pie all over his face, in his hair, and all over his clothes.   “You are so dead!” he laughed, and started chasing me around the kitchen.

                I had no idea where I was going, because it was so dark.  I knew I was going to trip, and fall somewhere around here.  I felt him grab me a few times, but I got loose.  The split second I looked behind me, I ran into the wall and crashed to the floor.  I groaned loudly, and put my hand to my head.  “That hurt.” I laughed to cover up the pain that was now occurring.  I felt Brian soon hover over me, “Are you okay?” he asked worriedly, and placed his hand on the side of my head, rubbing it softly.                 

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