Chapter Twenty-Two;

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Liam’s hand found my hair, and he stroked it softly.  Swiftly moving his palm up and down, occasionally reaching my shoulder and tracing it with his finger tips.  I lay with my head on his chest, and my arm stretched across his waist.  I didn’t want to be alone, and Liam offered to stay with me.  As bad as I didn’t want him to stay, I wanted him to stay even more.  “It really is my fault.” I said softly.

He shushed me, and tangled his fingers into my hair.  “Stop saying that.  None of this is your fault, Jenna.  So, stop it.”

I fumbled with the hem of his shirt.  “But it is.  I just shouldn’t have done some of the things I did.”

He let out a loud sigh.  “It’s not your fault the way he acted towards you.  That was all him.”

I shook my head. “I just don’t understand.”

                “And you’ll probably never understand.  Just stop blaming yourself.”

With that, I stopped talking about it.  “Thank you for staying, at least.  I know I can be annoying.”

I felt his chest rumble beneath me from laughing.  “You’re not annoying.  I’ll take any chance I can get to spend time with you.”

I couldn’t help but smile a little.  There was actually someone who wanted to be with me.  Not like in a relationship, but someone who actually wants to be around me.  I enjoyed that feeling.  “I hate to do this, but I have to go.” He moved his fingers through my hair once more, moving it away from my neck.  I looked up at him, “You can’t stay?  Please?”

He stroked his thumb across my chin.  “I doubt your parent’s would let me.  I’m not Brian.”

                “They trust me. So, stay.”

He smiled.  He opened his mouth to speak, but a loud banging noise coming from down stairs, made us both jump.  I pushed myself from his chest, and he got up.  “Is that your parent’s?” he asked while walking towards the door.

                I sat up on my elbows and shrugged a little.  “It’s possible.”

He grabbed the handle of the door, and looked at me curiously.  “It’s two in the morning.  Shouldn’t they be sleeping?”

I laughed, and got up from the bed.  I grabbed Liam’s hand before walking out the door, and down the stairs.  It was dark, so I couldn’t see really well.  I kept Liam’s hand to steady myself, and the other to feel for anything in front of me.  I heard many footsteps, and muffled laughter coming from the kitchen.  Liam’s fingers tightened around my hand.  “I’ll go first.” He whispered, and dropped my hand.  He walked around the corner, and pushed open the door to the kitchen.  The laughter was louder now, and I know who it belonged to.

                I shook my head, and walked into the kitchen.  I flipped on the light switch, and there was Jimmy, Johnny, and Matt.  They doubled over in laughter.  “Are you guys drunk?”  I grabbed Jimmy’s arm, and he straightened up.  “Psh, no.  That’s not very adult of us.”  Johnny fell to the floor, clutching his side in a giggle fit.  Matt walked over to Liam, and smacked his shoulder.  “I always knew you two would end up together.”  Liam looked at his brother, and raised an eyebrow.  Matt leaned on Liam’s shoulder, and looked at me.  “This kid has had a crush on you since the first day he saw you.  I remember him coming home the first day of school saying he had to have you or he would die.”

I felt my face flush.  “Well, I guess you learn something new every day.” I mumbled.

I looked up at Liam, whose face is a shade pinker than usual.  “How did you guys even get in here?” Liam asked.

Jimmy lifted his hand, showing a key pinched between his fingers.  “Stole this from Brian’s wallet.”   He giggled.  Just then the kitchen door swings open, and Brian and Zacky step in.  They were both sober, I could tell.  “You guys are idiots.” Zacky grabbed the back of Johnny’s shirt, and dragged him out of the kitchen while he was laughing.

                Matt still stood next to Liam, and Jimmy was rummaging through the fridge by now.  “And Matt’s supposed to be the responsible one of the group.” Brian said and grabbed Matt’s arm.  He stumbled a little, but was still giggling like a little girl.  “Go to the car.  I’ll get Jimmy.”

Matt mumbled something, and stalked out of the kitchen.  Brian didn’t pay me one glance since he stepped into the kitchen.  Finally, his eyes rested on mine.  “Didn’t think I would be back here this soon.”

                “Just get Jimmy, and get out.” I replied.  I grabbed the hem of Liam’s shirt, and pulled him out of the kitchen.  I walked towards to stairs, and stopped at the bottom.  I leaned against the wall, pulling Liam closer.  “They’re leaving, it’s fine.” He whispered, cupping my face.  I looked up at him, and resisted the urge to just fall in his arms.  “I have to make a phone call really quick.  Leave my parent’s a message, telling them I’ll be home in the morning, and I’ll be back.”  He kissed my forehead, and pulled away.  He stepped backward, and turned around so he could walk out to door.

                I found myself walking back upstairs instead of retreating to the kitchen.  I just want Brian out of here.  I walked into my bedroom, and changed into night clothes before Liam came back.  I brought my hair up into a loose ponytail, and brushed my teeth.  I pulled down the blanket, and the sheet, and was about to climb under when my bedroom door opened.  Instead of Liam stepping through, Brian did.  I charged after him as he closed the door, but he lifted his hands on my shoulders, pushing me to a stop.  “Get out—”

                “Before you start, I came up here for a reason.”

I watched him walk around me, and pace the floor.  “Didn’t I make it pretty clear I never want to see you again?”

He stopped pacing, and stuffed his hands in his pockets.  “Yeah, but since I’m here anyways, I wanted to tell you the guys are throwing you a party tomorrow, before we leave.  I imagine that’s what they came here for, was to tell you.  But instead you got a handful of uncooperative drunks.” He laughed.  He actually laughed like he would normally.

                “Will you be there?”

His smile faded, and his lips went into a hard line.  “Doubt it.”

                “Then I’ll be there.”

He walked closer to me until we were just two inches apart.  I could feel the heat radiating off of him, and his breath faint on my lips.  “Just so you know,” he started in a whisper.  He lifted a hand, and touched my cheek.  “This is not what I wanted to happen.”  His eyes searched mine, and I had a feeling he was about to kiss me.  I think he might have, if my bedroom door didn’t open, and we jumped apart.  Liam stepped through.  “I would have been back sooner,” he said, glancing at Brian.  “But I had to help get a couple of drunks in a car.”

Brian rolled his eyes, and walked towards the door.  Before he left, he said, “Just have Liam bring you tomorrow.  The party will be at Matt’s.”

He walked out, slamming the door behind him. 

                Liam took a few steps towards me, “What party?”

I sighed, climbing into bed.  “Mine.  I have a feeling it was Jimmy’s idea.” I smiled and patted the spot beside me.  He took off his jacket, and removed his shoes before taking up the spot beside me.  Brian’s spot, I thought.


This won't be updated in a few days.  Gotta work on my others, and finish some exams.

Nothing good happens at the parties in this story.  There's so many, too.

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