Chapter Thirteen

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I lay in my bed, looking up at the ceiling.  Brian leaves today, and I didn’t bother to make an appearance to tell him bye.  He’ll be back in less than a month, and then he leaves again in a few months.  I’m just tired of telling him bye, and wondering how long it’s going to be before I see him again.  Right now, we aren’t on speaking terms.  He tried to call me a few times, but once he stopped I knew he had already left.  The pain of guilt started to settle in the pit of my stomach.  When he gets back, I need to fix it.  We both need to fix it.  I’m nervous just thinking about it.

Brian should be home in a week, and we can talk.  We spoke briefly over the phone, but it wasn’t anything.  It wasn’t a normal conversation for us.  It was filled with awkward pauses, and awkward laughter.  I couldn’t even tell you what we talked about for a whole thirty seconds.  He doesn’t text me in the mornings, or before I go to bed.  It’s not all his fault, and it’s not all mine.  It takes two.

It was Friday, and Liam was supposed to be picking me up.  We had plans to do something tonight, since Chloe bailed on me for Joel, once again.  But I still love her.  And if you’re wondering, Liam and I finally went on that walk, and we’ve became close again, actually.  I enjoy having his company, since I don’t have Brian to fill that anymore.  Even if Brian was here, how would we be acting towards each other?  Would we admit our feelings for each other?  Would we be a couple?  Would he be spending his time hating my guts?  What?

                Liam’s car pulling in front of me pulled me out of my inner babble.  I smiled as he ran over to open the door for me.  I got into the passenger seat, and he closed the door behind me.  It wasn’t long before he was back in the driver’s seat, and we were on the main road.  “Do you mind if we stop by my house so I can change?”

He shook his head.  “Did you get the package I sent you?” he asked.

I raised an eyebrow.  “I haven’t gotten a package, no.  Why?  What is it?”

He laughed, “It’s probably waiting on your bed.  You’ll see when you get home.”

Within a few minutes, we were pulling into my driveway.  “I have to go home and change as well, so I’ll be back here at eight.”  I got out of the car, and walked to his side. 

                “I’ll see you at eight then.”  I gave him a smile and waved before turning and walking inside my house.  I was kind of nervous to see what this package is.

                I walked into my room, and when I opened the door a strong scent of roses invaded my nose.  I saw a dozen white roses, sitting on my desk, and a large white box was placed in the middle of my bed.  I dropped my bag on the floor, and walked to the large box lying in the center of my bed.  I pulled the red bow wrapped around it, and pulled the lid off.  I fought through the bright red tissue paper, and found a dress.  Not what I was expecting.  I pulled out the dress, and laid it out on the bed.  It was a charcoal gray cocktail dress, with black sequin maple leaves in random areas.  The bottom of the dress was puffed out a little, and the top of the dress had net straps.  I loved it!  But what would I need to wear that to…?

It was almost eight on the dot, when I heard the door bell ring.  I hurried to finish my hair.  I braided it into a fish tail braid, and threw it over my shoulder.  I slipped on black pumps, and tried to hurry down the stairs without killing myself.  I opened the door, and Liam was standing there in a white button up shirt, and a charcoal colored bow tie.  We matched.  “Thanks for the dress.  I love it.” I smiled.  He gave me a smile, and held out his arm.  I wrapped my arm around his, and we started walking to the car.  “You’re not supposed to look better than me at my own party.” He laughed, and opened the passenger door for me.  I got into the car, and waited for him to reside beside me.    “Party?” I questioned. 

                He waited until we were on the road, to give me an answer.  “Um, yeah.  Christmas party, to be exact.”

I nodded, smoothing out my dress.  “Who’s throwing the party?” I asked.

                “Well, my parents.  But it was my idea.” He smiled towards me.

I loved his and Matt’s parents.  They are the sweetest.

We arrived at the house, and it wasn’t that crowded.  Their house was huge, though.  Matt made sure they were set, and not have to worry about anything.  It reminded me of a mini White House.  It was spacious, and I don’t think they need all this room.  That was my thought, until I walked inside.  All the furniture had been moved, so there was a small dance floor, and there were tables upon tables, filled with different foods.  I was curious, “Why aren’t there many people here?” I asked, as he grabbed my hand, leading me into a new direction.

                “We’re early.  I told them I would help finish setting up.”

He walked into the kitchen, and found his mom standing there with an apron, putting some cookies on the plate.  “Good!  You’re here!  Can you put these out?” she smiled, handing him two plates filled with carious cookies.  He walked out, leaving us alone.  “What can I do to help?” I smiled, stepping beside her.  She pulled me into a hug quickly, and stepped back.  “You look great, dear.”

I thanked her softly.  She handed me another two plates filled with more desserts, and I brought them out and sat them on an empty spot on the table.  I caught Liam before he went back into the kitchen.  “How many people are coming?” I whispered.

He shrugged, looked at the tables, and back to me.  “A lot.” He laughed, and threw an arm around my shoulders.

Liam was right about the people.  There was too many to keep track of.  I lost track when the first ten people arrived.  There was symphony music playing, but people weren’t really dancing.  Mostly just standing around and talking.  I lost Liam in the crowd somewhere, so I lingered around, and talked to the very few people I did know.  It was mostly family I knew.  I didn’t know too many of their friends.  I walked upstairs to use the bathroom, and Liam was just stepping out of it.  “And he appears!” I laughed.  “I thought you bailed on me.”

He shook he head, laughing a little.  “No, my dad just needed help with something.”

I nodded, “Sounds legit.”

He smiled.  “We’ll leave in a few minutes.”

                “Why?  It’s not even ten yet.”

                “I’m not taking you home just yet.”

I leaned against the wall, and he walked over to me.  I looked up at him, and gave him a smile.  “I’m really glad we’re friends again.” I said softly.

He took another step closer to me, lifting his hand to my cheek.  “I am too.” He replied his voice soft as well.  He took a step closer, closing the space between us.  His lips were soft and sweet.  It was a small kiss, but it was something special.  He kissed me a few times, before pulling away slowly.  “I’ve wanted to do that since I picked you up tonight.”

I smiled, and turned away because I knew I was blushing.  He nudged his head in the direction of the stairs.  “Let’s get out of here.”  He grabbed my hand, and we started down the stairs.  I really had to go to the bathroom…


Boring chapter, I apologize.  Brian will be back in the next chapter, and I think I'll either make that one, or the one after that the confession chapter.  You'll just have to wait and see. :3

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