Chapter Twenty-Seven;

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I don’t know more than half the people here.  I don’t even remember when all these people arrived.  Liam went off with some of his buddies, and Chloe couldn’t make it.  She was already grounded for missing curfew the night of the concert, which happened to be my fault.  I wondered around the house, pushing my way through the living room.  The house smelled of alcohol, sweat, and cheap perfume.  I was being pushed, while people danced to the loud music.  I couldn’t even tell you what was playing, that’s how loud it was.  At that point, I was hoping the cops wouldn’t get called.

                I had no intentions on drinking.  I’ve never been drunk, and I don’t plan to let that happen tonight.  With the mix of high school and college kids, someone is bound to sleep with someone here, and my room is off limits.  The only room that is safe to use, is the guest room.  I walked into the kitchen, and there were a few guys, and a couple of girls crowed around the counter.  I saw them lift the shot glasses, and tip them into their mouths.  All of a sudden, I felt someone’s arm go around my shoulders.  I looked up, and Liam was there.  “Aren’t you going to have a drink?” he asked.

I shook my head.  “I don’t drink.”

He laughed, “You’re no fun.” He was slightly intoxicated.

He walked over to one of the kitchen counters, and handed me a bright yellow, plastic shot cup.  “Try this.”

I grabbed the cup, and looked in it.  The cup was filled three fourths of the way with blue Jello.  “What is this?”

He gestured for me to just try it.  “I’m going to regret this.” I mumbled, before dumping the contents into my mouth.  I squished the Jello between my teeth, and it was bitter yet sweet.  The taste of blue raspberry filled my mouth, and I wanted more.  

                I gestured for Liam to hand me one and he did with a grin.  I poured the cube into my mouth, and squished it between my teeth.  This one was watermelon.  Liam handed me another one of a different flavor, and so on and so forth.  I knew something was wrong when my head was pounding, and I felt all giddy.  I don’t remember how many of those shots I actually took.  I wasn’t exactly drunk; at least I don’t think so.  I didn’t have enough of those shots to get drunk.  I also don’t remember how many of those I took.

                I remember being lead away from the kitchen by Liam, and he brought me to the living room.  The red plastic party cup he had in his hand was now sat down somewhere.  He pressed a hand to my lower back, and pressed my body against his.  I brushed my hand over his shoulder, and up the side of his neck.  I pressed my palm to the back of his neck, and moved my lips to the opposite side of his neck.  I lost my fingers in his hair, and my lips lingered around a small patch of skin on his neck.

                Our bodies molded together as we continued to dance.  His hands found my hips, and then my waist.  I pulled my head back a little, and caught his gaze.  “I’m so going to regret this in the morning.” I giggled.

He grinned.  “Most likely, so will I.” His words slurred a little.

I placed my hands on his chest, and balled his shirt into my fists.  “I really want to take you to my room right now, but I have this feeling I shouldn’t.”  I watched his lips, and I was thinking about how badly I wanted to kiss them.  I grabbed Liam’s hand, and led him up the stairs, and into my room.  I closed the door behind us, and walked towards Liam, who stood watching me.  “I’m kind of stupid when it comes to guys.  Like, I really like you, and I really love Brian.  Like, really, really love Brian.  And I really, really like you.  And there are points when all I want is you.  I want to kiss you, and cuddle, and other things.” I continued babbling, and my head started to spin.  I felt dizzy.

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