Chapter Thirty-One;

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“When is your first show?” I asked, taking Brian’s attention from the movie.

He looked in my direction, and scooted a little bit closer to me.  “A week after graduation,” he started.  “And it’s all happening in California.”

I smiled.  “Really?  Summer in California?  Sounds like a pretty good summer.”

He shrugged.  “I can’t complain.  It’s just a few shows, a press conference, a photo shoot, and a few mall signings.  I’m going to be exhausted.” He laughed a little.

I nodded, leaning my head against the couch.  I brought my knees to my chest, and hugged them.  “But I’ll be there.”

                “Only to make me more tired.” He grinned, tilting his head to the side.

He wrapped his fingers around my ankles, and pulled my legs over his lap.  “I won’t bother you.” I whispered.

He pulled me closer, slowly leaning in.  He gripped my chin between his thumb and pointer finger, “I’ll make an exception.”

I cupped his face, and kissed him.  “I think it’ll be fun.  Hotel rooms, screaming fans, and my best friend.”

I laughed.  “The screaming fans don’t like me.”

                “But I do.” He poked my nose, and brought his lips back to mine.

We kissed for a few minutes, until the sound of the front door opening pulled us apart.

Brian moved to the other side of the couch, and I brought my knees back to my chest.

My mom came into the living room, and my dad followed behind her.  “Hey guys.  Brian, are you staying for dinner?”

He gave me a look, and turned back to my mom, who was practically hovering over us.  He nodded.

My dad walked around my mom, and went into the kitchen.  “Great!  Dinner will be ready in about another hour and half.”

She stood there for a moment, glancing between us.  She smiled before she stalked off towards the kitchen.

Brian laughed.  “We have to tell them.”

I gave him a cut off nod.  “I agree.  But we don’t have to tonight.”

                “Yes, we do.  I’m sure it won’t be bad.  They like me.  They’re best friends with my parent’s, and they’ve even told my parent’s they hope you would find a guy like me.”

I raised an eyebrow.  “They did?”

                “After Clarissa, they were just about as beat up as I was.  They knew me and you would end up together.  They knew it before we did.”  His expression was tired, but happy.

I nodded.  “I never thought this would happen.  But I’m really glad it did.” I beamed.

He stood from the couch, and stood in front of me.  He thrust his hand in my direction, and I accepted, pulling myself to my feet.  “I am too.” He replied, the corners of his mouth perking into a smile.

I stood on my toes, and wrapped my arms around his neck.  “I thought I actually lost you.  Please don’t do that again.”

He tightened his arms around my waist, giving me a gentle squeeze.  “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Dinner is ready!” My mom’s voice carried from the kitchen, and into the living room.  I stood from the couch, and waited for Brian to mock my actions.  He followed close behind, until we made it onto the dining room.  I took a seat next to Brian, and across from my parent’s.  Once we filled our plates, everyone started eating.  It was quiet, and a bit awkward, until my dad decided to break it.  “So, Brian, what’s new with you guys?”

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