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I grab the machine making the dreadful noise and throw it against the wall. Beast shoots up and enters full guard mode until he sees the broken alarm clock on the floor and throws himself back on the bed. He's seen me break multiple alarms, this is certainly not the first one, or the last for that matter.      

I ran through my room like a crazy person grabbing everything last minute and throwing all of it into a duffel bag. It's 3:30 am and the place we keep our private jet is 30 minutes away, fuck. I ran over to my window to see if the guards and driver were already there, and I saw them all entering the black limousine.

 "AH BEAST, LET'S GO" I grab my shit and dart out my room door, heading to Francesca's door.

"GET UP" I scream pounding on her door. She comes out glamorous like it wasn't 3 fucking am. 

"What's up? I'm ready" She giggles at me acting like a crazy person.

 "Oh my god, I can't with you, let's go we're late" We head straight downstairs. I ran past the kitchen, eh I'll just have breakfast on the plane. I kept running with Beast trailing behind me before I realized Francesca was nowhere to be seen. 

"Francesca! We don't have time for breakfast we can eat on the plane!" I yelled at her knowing she was in the kitchen.

 "Oh, so you want me to starve? No thanks," she pulled out 2 granola bars and threw one at me. 

"Thanks," I say catching one and turning back around to run towards the door.

"Oh hey, guys! Good morning" I smiled at the guards and the driver, they looked at me with an 'are you okay' look. 

I probably look like a crazy-ass person, yelling this early in the morning. Francesca and I put our bags in the back and slipped into one of the seats of the limo saving ourselves from embarrassment.

The entire 30-minute ride consisted of me listening to music and failing to make conversation with the guards, they are so serious and annoying they don't want to talk or anything. Francesca decided it was time to watch Bridgerton, she swears she's going to magically marry a Duke, and so she wasn't talking to me either.


We rushed out of the car and went to the section where our private jet is located, it took us less time than other people would because we didn't have to go through security and the other 100 things you usually have to do at the airport since we have priority.

We finally all boarded the jet and I picked the seat I always sit in when we go on flights, it's towards the front, with a window, it's the most comfortable seat and reclines. Since I basically claimed the chair it also has this chair in front of it that I call Beast's chair. I had a guy come and install bowls into the elevated seat so he could be comfortable, and also have food and water available.

Francesca always sits next to me when we go on trips so she sat next to me and reclined her chair "I'm gonna take a nap it's too early for this shit and I need to be fully awake to go shopping" She smiles covering herself with a blanket.

"Of course, of course, I'm gonna fall asleep too" I reply pulling out a folded blanket from a cubby next to my seat. "Wake me up when we get there, buddy" I pat Beast's head and make myself comfortable.


*in Miami* 

"Stoppp, Beast" I push him playfully off my face, he had probably been licking my face and stepping on me for the past 5 minutes. I stretched and groaned, but then realized we were in Miami. 

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