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"Oh fuck" Francesca says from the backseat with Dante next to her. As we approach the house my parents, Oliver, and his parents are all in the driveway.

As we pull in still a pretty good distance away I notice my father look over at us widening his eyes and trying to keep the conversation going.

"All of you stay here for a second I'll try to be quick, but I need to get my father alone. Is that okay, Kylo?" I look over to him for reassurance on the situation, hoping he would comply. He rolls his eyes and slightly nods his head. I take it as an okay and quickly open the door trying to not draw much attention to us.

I dust off my dress and place my hair in front of my shoulders walking as fast as I can to the group.

"What a surprise Aspen, I thought you weren't going to show up" Oliver chuckles and approaches me. I nervously laugh and step back, when he sees me he usually hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. However, with fucking alpha wolf in the car if he sees that he might burn him alive.

Oliver, thank god, reads my movements and just stands next to me. I look behind me at the car and barely see anything through the tinted windows. I wish I could see what the hell was happening.

"Ready to get married next week?" Oliver chuckles lightly.

"I wouldn't count on it" I give him a sarcastic smile. Oliver isn't necessarily a mean guy, but he is weird he's constantly complimenting my body and trying to touch me in inappropriate ways. He backs off when I tell him to, but then he'll try again after.

As I was fucking thinking about it I felt a squeeze on my ass and I flinched at the contact.

I heard doors slam from behind me, "oh fuck, shit's going to go down" I put my hand to my forehead.

"Kylo!" I heard Dante yell with proceeding doors slam. I don't know if it would make it worse if I turn around or not.

"Aspen what the hell is happening" my father gestures to fuming Kylo with my friends behind him trying to stop him.

I turn my head slowly and Kylo punches Oliver's cheek. That looked painful.

He punched his nose and blood ran down to his lip. "Kylo! What the fuck did I tell you" I approached him and sent a right hook to his chin.

"You fucking bitch!" Kylo yelled at me and he looked like he was going to hit me back before he thought it through. Instead, he just rubbed his chin, that was odd.

I heard guns click and when I looked up everyone had guns pointing at each other. "Explain to me why the hell my son is standing in front of me with a broken nose!" Oliver's father yells at no one in particular.

"I-" I was about to come up with a bull shit excuse before Kylo interrupted.

"She's pregnant with my kid," Kylo says nonchalantly looking at my father. Oh, fuck.

"No! She isn't pregnant, and especially not with your child! You are messing everything up! Michael get him out of here!" My mother yells at the top of her lungs. She couldn't have looked any more guilty.

"Henry I need to talk to them. Can we postpone this?" My father asks Oliver's father.

"If Aspen is carrying his child" he points over to Kylo. "The deal is clearly off" Henry scrunches his nose in disgust.

"Good thing she's carrying my kid then" Kylo chuckles and my father shoots him a death glare to shut up.

"Then I will end things here. Pleasure not doing business with you Michael" Henry shot him a sarcastic smile. My mother ran to him and held his arm.

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