Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Jo was getting her books out of her locker when all of the sudden her locker door came flying towards her, almost catching her hand! "Oh what the hell Sam?" She said "oh sorry loser I didn't see you there." Said Sam laughing as he shoved her into her locker and walked past. It had been 4 years since they were actual friends. They grew up together, he'd come to her birthday, she'd go to his, they'd go to the arcade together, they had sleepovers, stayed up all night and watched movies, it was great, then the summer of 8th grade Sam changed. He started ignoring Jo, stopped coming over for dinner. Just shut her out completely. She didn't know what she did wrong. Then he got famous off O2L and it got worst. He turned other people against her. Strangers calling her all sorts of names. The bell rang and she had a few classes with him. Just great. Jo walked into the class and Sam was standing by the door sharpening his pencil, on her way to her seat Sam stuck out his foot and tripped her, she went crashing to the floor. The class burst into laughter and then calmed down as the teacher spoke "Sam detention, tomorrow, be there or be suspended." Ordered Mr.Clark "What? It was an accident!" Sam tried to object,it was useless. Jo got up, gathered her things, and took her normal seat in the front of the class.

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