Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
Sam continued "it was like 9 am because we had a 2 hr delay for the fog. It was the last day of school to. So me and Jo were walking to school, down um...Calabasas road and we were laughing about one of our teachers, she would always spit when she talked. Anyway all of the sudden Jo just stopped walking, like dead in her tracks. I was like what's wrong Jo? She had this look on her face like something was really wrong. She looked at me and said "do you hear that?" And took off running! I ran after her of course, I had no idea what was going on. There was a kitten stuck in a drain. She heard it crying. To this day I still don't know how she heard it, it was so far away. She just had to get it out. So we took off our book bags and figured out this weird invention to lift the kitten up and through the drain. So anyway we finally got it out, I asked her what she was gunna do with it and she said keep it. I just laughed but she was serious. I said Jo you can't keep it, it's not yours. Of course there was no way in hell I was gunna win that argument, she had already named it! So then she went into this rant about how it was hurt and we couldn't leave it blah blah blah. So she took out the carton of milk my mom packed in my lunch and started feeding the kitten. That was when I fell in love with her. The way she talked to it, she held it so carefully, she fed it and would pet it. It was something about the way she just sat there on the side walk feeding a hurt kitten MY lunch. It made me fall for her." Sam said

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