Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
"Jo...I thought I was going to lose you. I can't get the image of you gasping for air out of my head. Every time I close my eyes I see it. I wish it could've been me instead. I wish that I was still your friend. Every time I know I hurt you, I died a little bit inside. You didn't deserve any of that. You are the best friend I've ever had. You are the most beautiful, funniest, smartest, caring, weirdest, sexiest girl that I have ever laid eyes on and I hate myself for doing that to you." He cried some more, Jo cried some more, they cried some more, they both eventually calmed down. He wiped his eyes and then spoke, his voice shaky. "I only recently figured it out, but I remember the exact moment when it happened." Jo scribbled a question mark on the board and held it up. "Jonah...Clair...Hall...I'm completely-" "Honey what are you doing up its 4 am?" Said Mrs.Hall entering the room. Jo looked up quickly and pointed to the phone. "Oh is that Sam?...hey Sam how's Philly?" she asked into the camera "Oh hey Miss Diana Philly's great, but uh I gotta get going I gotta get up early. You guys take care and ill see out both soon." Said Sam "okay we will and yeah you get some safe Sam" said Diana "Will do...Jo we'll talk later?" Asked Sam...Jo shook her head yes and then waved goodbye...he waved goodbye...Miss Diana waved goodbye and then the call ended.

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