Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

"Your honor I have no more questions for the witness." The lawyer spoke "Okay you may step down Mr.Pottorff." The judge said Sam slowly rose and stepped down, returned to his squad "was it scary Sammy?" Jonah whispered when Sam sat back next to her and placed his arm around her "aside from Mr. Hardass and me wanting to throat punch him, no a piece of cake." Sam winked and gave Jonah a reassuring hug. She had this in the bag, she knew she could do it "the defense calls the primary defendant Miss. Jonah C Hall to the stand." Jo's lawyer spoke Jonah swallowed hard and walked to the stand. She to was sworn in, "Jonah can you tell me what happened after school on that night?" Her lawyer asked Jonah began with a low raspy tone, it still felt weird to speak, after all she had only been out the hospital not even a full day. "Um well, I left school a little later than usual, -why is that Jonah?" Her lawyer cut in "uh I had a detention for-why is that Jonah?" Her lawyer once again cut in Jonah did not like to be cut off and was quickly catching an attitude "well sir if you would let me finish you will find out that I got into an altercation with another student." Jo said "over what?" Her lawyer asked "she just came up to me and dumped a bottle of water on my head. I stood up, some words were exchanged, and then she tried to hit me, I was only defending myself. I took her to the floor and hit her a few times and that was it. I was issued a one day after school detention." Jo explained "mhm and what about the other student what was she issued?" He asked "she was suspended because she had been known as a trouble maker, Sir I do not get into fights. I've never even had a detention." Jo further explained. "Okay so go on with the events of that night." He said "so when I got out of school, the sun was setting but dark hadn't fully fallen yet. Sometimes I like to go for little walks around that time to look at the sky and stuff. So I figured why not, I don't live that far from the school. But I decided to take a short cut anyway through the ally. I didn't see him come up behind me." Jo's voice begin to shake, she took a deep breath, she tried to keep it together.

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