Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Sam turned and walked back to his group. For the rest of the time Sam and his group did nothing but annoy her. Threw paper at her...talked about her. Jo didn't care though. Soon she could go home. "Okay Jo you can go." said Mr. Jackson. "Thank you, have a nice night sir" said Jo as she walked to the front of the class and left...she could hear Sam imitating her in a voice that sounded nothing like her. The California sky was grey...the sun was setting. Jo wanted to walk home so she could look at the night sky...listen to the crickets, just admire the nature she liked to do that a lot. go for walks at night to the river. But for now she set out for home...little did she know, her life was about to change forever. She decided to take a short cut down an ally way. She felt something was wrong,like she was being watched, but she just figured it was night's nothing. But it was something...or should I say someone. Then she felt a hand cover her mouth. She couldn't scream!

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