Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"That is how you should be touched, that is how a man should treat you. Period." Sam said as he watched Jo's panting slow back to a normal pace." Thank you Sam, that was amazing, I'll be right back, I'm gunna go shower." said Jo after regaining her composure completly "ok, I'll right here watching tv or something I'm tired...I'll be honest I didn't think it would take that long for me to make you cum. I'm impressed." Sam smirked "oh my god." Jo said and slid off the bed "DON'T LOOK AT MY BUTT!" She yelled as she ran the short distance out her door to her own bathroom "I see London, I see France, I see Jo's soaked underpants laying over there on the floor cuz I ripped them off with my teeth and went the fuck to work!" Sam sang as Jo laughed and shut the bathroom door. Sam shut his eyes and laid back to rest them for a little. It finally sank in what he just did with Jo. He couldn't get the image of her shaking as he did that stuff to her. He new it felt good to her. Her body was angelic, almost like a beautiful porcelain doll. He really needed to be with her, officially. But her wouldn't rush her. Soon No emerged from the bathroom wearing yoga pants and a crop top. Then finally Ms. Hall made her way back to the house "Jo I'm back!" Jo came walking slowly down the stairs. Her stomach still bruised. Sam behind her Sam came behind her. "Jo you shouldn't be walking around so much you're still sore go lay down!" Ms. Hall hissed at Jo "Mom, really I'm fine." Jo tried to object "Jonah Clair Hall, no buts now go lay down in the living room, Sam honey can you be a dear and help me put these groceries away?" Diana asked Sam "sure thing Diana." Sam said, "can I at least get a bottle of water warden?" Jo joked as she slowly walked to the fridge, opened it, and got a cold water bottle, she was so thirsty she gulped down like half the bottle. "Sam are you hungry, I can fix you something?" Diana offered, "oh no thanks mom I already ate." said Sam with a laugh and Jo choked on her water.

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