Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 ~ Chick fight!
It was lunch time. Jo ate quietly by herself. A Pb & J sandwich and a bottle of water, was on her menu today. She was a vegetarian, and on top of that wasn't feeling hungry so she didn't eat a lot. She took out her project paper for her history class and started writing a rough draft. Then it happened someone poured a bottle of water on her head. "That's for getting Sam detention" said the girl. "Yeah well maybe he shouldn't be such a jerk and he wouldn't have detention." Said Jo yeah well maybe if you weren't such a bitch he wouldn't have tripped you." The girl shot back "a bitch? I did nothing to Sam and I have no idea who you are, to be calling me a bitch so why don't you take your too small outfit and 5 pounds of makeup over there with the rest of the girls that think they look go and let me get back to my lunch?" Jo said. It was on. The girl threw the first punch but Jo dodged it and punched her in the nose. Jo jumped on the girl and took her to the ground and continued to punch her in the nose. When the fight finally got broken up it was obvious that Jo had won. The poor girl didn't even have a chance! " have a detention tomorrow...since this is your first altercation. But if it happens again you'll be suspended out of school. Now Heather has been known to start trouble so she's already been suspended. I don't want to see you in my office again, is that clear?" Principle Cane said. "Yes sir." said Jo and went to her last class of the day.

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