Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Jo woke up 5 days later, in the hospital. They had to put her into a medically induced coma until the swelling in her brain went down.
She woke in pain. She turned her head to see her mom sitting in the chair by her bed and groaned, her throat dry, as if she had swallowed sand paper. Her mom lurched awake. "DOCTOR SHE'S AWAKE WE NEED A DOCTOR IN HERE NOW!" nurses came rushing in with carts and tools and began to unhook her and take things out and shine lights in her eyes and talk to her. Her mother rushed to her bed. "Honey. You're awake. You've been out for a while. I thought I lost you." she began to sob and kiss her daughters hand. Jo tried to speak and realized she couldn't, her eyes got big, she started to panic she winced in pain as she swallowed. "No honey don't speak, that bastard cut your'll be able to speak after it heals lucky or us he missed a major artery in your neck, until then you have to write. With Jo confused her mother looked up at Jo's face and begin to speak. "Jo you were attacked on your way home from school almost a week ago. But Sam and his friends saved you." Jo grabbed the white board and a marker and begin to scribble...Pottorff? she wrote on it. "Yes Jo, Sam was on his way home and saw it happening and jumped in to save you, his friends beat up the guy pretty bad...they shoulda killed the damn bastard." she explained. Suddenly it all made sense. Sam was the voice she heard...he said he loved her. Why did he save her? He hated her.

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