Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Sam got under Jo's covers and she turned off the light, locked her door, and climbed in beside him. A cold breeze blew through her slightly ajar bedroom window. Making it the perfect sleeping situation. She snuggled in closer to Sam and he wrapped a big arm around her tiny frame. They laid there in silence,the pitch darkness was soothing to the teens as they listened to the other one breathing. Sam softly stroked Jo's soft hair and breathed in her scent. Her hair smelled of mint and vanilla...Sam loved it. Another breeze blew through the room and made its way under the covers. Jo slightly shivered and Sam hugged her tighter. Under the covers and in Sam's arms, Jo felt as if nothing could hurt her, she was sure now,she knew this was the right moment. It was there that she said something that Sam wasn't prepared for. "Sam?" She said softly...almost a whisper. Wondering if he was awake. "Yeah Jo?" He said in a low mumble, half asleep. "I'm ready." Jo said in the same voice she did when she called for him a moment before. "Ready for what?" Sam said in that same low mumble. "To be your girlfriend...I'm ready now." Jo said smiling in the darkness of the night. Sam was wide awake now but he didn't move. "Are you sure,I don't wanna rush you or-I'm sure." Jo interrupted "Jonah...I've waited so long to ask you this. Will you be my girlfriend?" Sam whispered in her ear. "Yes... Sam, you've showed me what it means to live life uninhibited and carefree. How it was really supposed to be lived. I know that you and I were meant to be together. Even if it's not forever, fate brought us together for a reason and I couldn't see myself with anyone else." Jo couldn't see Sam but could feel him smiling behind her. He pulled out his phone and tweeted "Jam is official, 4/6/15💖" They ended the night in total darkness and totally in love. But not before Jo responded to Sam's Jam tweet with "you're not such a Bad boy Pottorff.💕"

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