Chapter 29

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Chapter 29
Soon a man in a black robe came through a door and sat in the judges chair. Moments after that 2 armed officers walked through the same door Jo and the rest of the group did. Everyone in Jo's groups froze and looked back to see who was entering the room.
Behind those two officers was a man in chains and an orange jumpsuit, behind him were 2 more huge, armed guards and and behind them were two more men but these guys had on suits and carried briefcases, those must be his lawyers. Sam put his arm proactively around Jo's now quaking body. She looked at Sam. She new that was the man who almost took her life. She wondered if she could actually face him. The bailiff spoke "All rise for the honorable Judge Andrew Carson presiding over the case of Hall vs. Santos on the charges of first degree assault, first degree assault with a deadly weapon, first degree attempted rape, and first degree assault with intent to harm." the room rose. Jo got chills down her spine knowing that she had to be in the same room as him. No thought to herself "Santos? Santos. It doesn't sound like a criminals name, but then again she didn't think Jonah Hall sounded like a victims name either. 35 minutes into the proceedings Jo's attorney finally spoke "the defense calls Samuel John Pottorff to the stand." The group looked at Sam some giving head nods other squeezing his shoulder. He looked at Jo, and generally squeezed her hand before rising to go to the stand. "Please raise your right hand and place it on the bible son." Sam did what was asked of him "Do you solemnly state that the testimony you may give in the case now pending before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" The bailiff said "I do sir." Sam said and took a seat in the testimony booth.

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