Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

"Plus the pap would love it, they're all over the place cuz first this case is all over the news then Sam's deeply involved and now we're all here." Ricky said "I mean just picture it, local internet celebrity and O2L member Jc Caylen loses it in courtroom after sentencing and gets arrested for beating the dog shit out of guy who viciously assaulted fellow O2L member Sam Pottorff's girlfriend...coming up at 11. Bro TMZ and FOX are literally outside remember Harvey stormed us on the way in?" Kian reminded "Jc thought for a second and calmed down "your right, let's go guys." Jc said and the small group exited the courtroom. *1 hour later* "Okay you guys gunna be alright I have to run somewhere" asked Diana as Sam and Jo sat on Jo's bed "yeah we'll be fine mom, I'm going to sleep anyway I'm exhausted from court." Said Jo "same here." Said Sam "okay well I won't be gone long only a few hours, I left some money on the kitchen counter if you guys get hungry." Said Diana and went down the stairs, the two waited until they heard the front door close, her car start and pull away from the house. Sam looked at Jo and smiled "what?" Said Jo suddenly self conscious "you remember what happened the last time your mom left us along don't you?" Said Sam "Sam!" Yelled Jo and whacked him upside the head "ouch I was kidding!" Sam said laughing and rubbing his head. "Yeah well I'm not in the mood for it." Jo said half serious and half not "oh yeah?" Sam said "yeah!" Jo said "Joey I could get you ready to blow quicker then you can scream SAM DONT STOP! Fuck please!" Sam moaned loudly imitating Jo "I don't sound like that!" Jo laughed "yes you do!...why don't we test it?" Sam said in a whisper, Jo bit her lip. She was body was home... "Maybe just for a little bit?" Jo said "that's know the drill just say stop and I'll stop." Sam said and kissed her lightly but she wanted way more. She pulled him by his button down and started pulling at his hair, Sam pulled away and laughed "how you gunna tell me just a little and then you go straight for my turn on? Do you want me to have you for dinner again?" Sam laughed and set Jo on his lap...

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