Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
She stared at her phone screen. She wasn't sure weather she should answer or not, he bullied her...but he saved her life. Is this a game, is he just being nice to her for publicity? Why was he calling her in the middle of the night, she couldn't talk anyway. But did he know that? Jo slide the phone screen to answer and held it to her ear. "Hey Joey, Diana called me when you woke up and told me you couldn't speak until your throat healed. I wanted to t-" Jo hung up the phone. She quickly sent him a message asking him to FaceTime. She had some things that she needed to tell him. He agreed and shortly after...face timed her. She grabbed her white board and turned on a light so they could see. "Listen Jo I just wanted to say that I'm glad you're okay." He said Jo scribbled away..."why do you hate me Sammy?" It said "Hate you? Joey I don't hate you? How could you think that?" He asked *scribble* we used to be best friends...then you just ignored me, then you got big from O2L, then you started being mean. All the times you pushed me, called me names, what did I do to make you hate me so much Sam?" Sam looked genuinely sad. "Jo...I wish to god I could take it back, I wish I never treated you that way, I never wanted to hurt you Jo. You were my best friend. I know that how I treated you was wrong but I just...I couldn't face the truth...." Sam looked down and started to cry...Jo scribbled away and tapped the marker on the board to get Sam's attention back "what is the truth Sam?" She asked "I don't know what got into me but I just had to make you hate me, I couldn't take being around you." he sobbed "when I saw what that man was doing to you...Jo...I wanted to kill him. I know he touched you in ways that only the man you love should. He violated your body, his mistreated you, your body deserves to be treasured...Jo I'm so sorry." Jo to began to let her tears run free.

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