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"I was very impressed with your work, Harvey," remarked Jessica, as she exited her office with the man. "This is a major client."

"Jessica, I'm offended that you sound so surprised. I knew what I was doing the entire time."

The two turned a corner, amidst the nearly empty offices. It was nearing 9:00pm on a Friday night, and most people had left, with the exception of a mere few including themselves and Mike.

"I heard your associate played a key role in the deal," continued Jessica.

"Well, he assisted me with some things-"

"Face it Harvey, the kid has talent."

Harvey chose to ignore this comment as the two walked down an empty stretch of hallway.

"I'll see you on Monday, Harvey." Jessica turned and entered the elevator. Harvey continued down to get his briefcase and jacket.

As he neared the end of the hallway toward his office, a gray shape came into view, lying on the ground.

"What's that thing on the floor?" wondered Harvey as they came closer.

"Harvey, is that a person?" He quickened his pace until he realized that the figure on the floor was-


The younger man was splayed face down on the rough carpet, seemingly unconscious. The (conscious) associate maneuvered him into a sitting position against the wall of a cubicle, as Mike began to wake with a low moan.


"Hey, hey, easy. What happened?" Harvey was crouched next to him.

"Uh...was walking...went black...fell." He was cut off by a fit of coughing which left him struggling for breath, eyes streaming, face pale and drawn.

"Okay, okay, calm down Mike," Harvey scanned the cubicles for anyone to help, but there was absolutely no one in the deserted offices.

Mike tried to speak again, but he broke off into more coughs.

"Don't talk, Mike."

" cold..." Mike's head fell one side as his eyes started to close.

"Hey! No sleeping, Mike." But it was too late. With a groan, he slid to the floor, unconscious again.

Realizing that he had given his driver the day off, Harvey quickly pulled out his cell and dialed 911. He quickly relayed their location and Mike's condition, before hanging up and turning his attention back to the younger man.

Maybe he has a fever...awkwardly, he laid a hand on his forehead, and realized that Mike was running a high fever indeed.

"Where's the goddamn ambulance?" he muttered to himself. "Mike, what the hell happened?"

After what seemed like an hour, the paramedics finally arrived. Mike was carefully placed onto a stretcher and was soon on his way to the elevator. "Is he gonna be okay?" asked Harvey to a paramedic standing by.

"Too soon to tell, sir. We don't know for what's wrong yet, but his blood pressure is dropping and we've had to hook him up to oxygen. You'll be able to find out more at the hospital." With that, the paramedics had loaded Mike in the elevator and were on their way down, before Harvey could get in. With a frustrated sigh, he jabbed the button on the other one, and was soon calling a cab to get him to the hospital.


For Harvey, the trip to the hospital was a blur. He frantically shouted himself hoarse for a cab, before finally sliding into the back seat of one. As the taxi took off, he pulled out his phone and called Jessica. It went straight to voicemail and he waited impatiently for the beep.

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