Blood in the water AU. [Part-5]

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Harvey watched the rapid movements of Mike's chest. He didn't like it one bit and couldn't help but feel really worried about the kid. He leaned forward.

"Do you mind hurrying up a bit?"

The driver glanced back at him and then Mike.


When they got into the car Mike had seemed to be doing slightly better than in the apartment. Harvey had actually been scared when Mike started crying. That was when he knew how dire the situation was. Mike was in real trouble and didn't even seem to notice that he was crying. He had looked up at Harvey with tears streaming and asked if Harvey was mad.

At that moment Harvey had wanted to get out a phone and call an ambulance and then promise Mike whatever he wanted just to never have him have that look on his face again. He didn't know where the urge to throw his arms around the kid and physically protect him from the world came from. Mike had just looked so small and vulnerable. And in a way he was. Mike must feel so alone. But it was on Harvey to make it all better.

What he had done was to carefully guide Mike down to the waiting cab, get him in it and tell the driver to hurry.

When they pulled up at the main entrance of the ER the driver jumped out and came around the car while Harvey tried to rise Mike. He placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. It did nothing. Almost yelling in the kids face and a firm grip along his face did the trick.

Mike was disoriented and not really there. He mumbled something Harvey couldn't make out and tried to lean away from him. The driver ran into the hospital while Harvey stayed crouched down next to the open car door, supporting almost all of Mike's weight. Mike was awake but only barely. He's breathing was worse than before and he was trembling. Harvey was scared out of his mind. What the hell was going on?

Personal from the hospital came running towards them with a gurney. They lifted Mike on it while Harvey made a confused attempt of paying for their fare. The cab driver just waved him away and wished him good luck for Mike.

Harvey hurried after the gurney and saw that Mike's eyes were closed now. He drew a shuddering breath. What was going on? He tried to ask that but no one answered. The second time he asked was when they were rushing threw a corridor. One of the nurses stopped and turned to him and placed a hand on his chest to stop him from following.

"We will figure out what's wrong with your friend. You need to wait out here." With that she left and Harvey was standing alone in what apparently was a waiting room.

Harvey didn't know how much time that passed while he waited. It could have been thirty minutes or three hours. But then he heard Mike's name and jumped up from the bench he was on.

A doctor came towards him and they shook hands.

"I just wanted to tell you what is going on with Mr. Ross. We are preparing him for surgery as we speak."

"Surgery? What? Why?" Harvey exclaimed.

"I understand that Mr. Ross was in a fight earlier tonight and that he received a kick to his side. The force of the kick badly injured his spleen and an ultrasound that we made revealed that it caused it to rupture."

Harvey draw his hand over his mouth. "Mike has a ruptured spleen. Okay, what does that mean?"

"It means that he is suffering from internal bleeding. That kick caused several arteries in his spleen to tear apart and he has been bleeding ever since it happened. Unfortunately he is a bad state right now, but it was a really good thing that you came in with him when you did. A ruptured spleen can cause mayor complications, even the risk of bleeding out."

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