Blood in the water AU [Part-1]

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"Bye Mike." Harvey said and pressed the button on to roll up the window. Mike did his best in continue to ramble where he stood outside the car that was parked outside the office.

"Hey, you can quit all you want but Trent Devon is not leaving you." Harvey saw how the kid quickly had to remove his fingers as to not get them stuck. He kept talking even though the window was closed. Something about good talk, and he tapped the roof of the car as it started to leave the curb. Harvey smirked and shook his head a little. He and Mike were on better terms again and Harvey was happy about that. There were a few times when they hadn't been lately. He had even yelled at the kid the other day.

Mike had been screwing up a bit too much for Harvey's liking so he kind of thought that the yelling had been deserved. Donna hadn't thought so. Later the same evening she had come into his office when he was on his couch and sat down in his chair.

He deserved a slap, you knocked him across the room. Donna had said. She didn't think that kicking the dog was going to help with his mood. She had been right of course. He had been more upset than he wanted to admit to himself about Zoe's choice to leave New York to raise her niece. He let it affect him and he took it out on Mike. Mike didn't seem to be that faced about it though. At least not that he let on.

It wasn't that long ago since Mike's grandmother had died now. He knew that Mike had a harder time with that than he let on. Harvey had done something about it, to cheer him up, but not a lot. And for a person with Mike's mind it was probably harder to let go of things.

Was he still too hard towards Mike? Like just now, maybe he had been a bit rude. It was pretty late at night, but Harvey still dropped Mike off at the office expecting him to work late and save the day for Harvey. He remembered the look on Mike's face when he had yelled at him the other day. He had threatened to fire Mike if he screwed up again. He wouldn't do that of course, or he would, but then it had to be extreme. But Mike didn't know that he wouldn't. Mike would probably spend the night at the office doing work for Harvey. As he should. But maybe, just maybe he should go back and help him. He had only gotten about five minutes away from the office. He could go back, maybe he even should. He leaned forward and spoke to the driver.

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