Blood in the water AU. [Part-6]

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Mike was disoriented when he woke up the next time. He didn't know where he was for a short while, but then he remembered that he was at the hospital. He remembered everything that lead up to him ending up in this bed. He almost wished he didn't remember it. It had sucked. He had felt really bad when he woke up the first time. He had really thought that he would throw up. Luckily he hadn't and now it seemed like the meds he had gotten had worked, because he felt better.

He had really gotten the shit beaten out of him. The last thing he remembered was getting into a cab with Harvey and nothing else. He didn't remember getting to the hospital. He had just woken up and gotten told that he didn't have a spleen anymore. While he was out they had operated him and removed it because he had such a severe internal bleeding that it was the only thing they could do. They had told him that he should have gone to the hospital earlier, if he had they might have been able to save some part of his spleen. He couldn't understand why they told him that, it wasn't like he could do something about that now. Did they want him to feel worse than he already did?

He didn't know much about the spleen. What did it mean that he didn't have it anymore? He felt a bit sad though. He would have preferred if he could have kept it. Now he would have to stay still for three months?

He couldn't help but feeling low. They had told him that he would have to stay at the hospital a few days now, even up to a week. He wasn't looking forward to that at all. He wasn't particularly fond of hospitals. Harvey was in the room with him now but he didn't know if that was a good thing or not. So far Harvey hadn't noticed that he was awake, or he didn't care. He had his phone in hand and looked very intently at it. He didn't know if he wanted to speak with Harvey, their latest talk hadn't been all that nice. Harvey probably thought he had himself to blame for all of this and Mike didn't want to hear that.

"Oh you are awake!" Harvey exclaimed then. He was smiling. Mike felt confused, but nodded a bit.

"How are you feeling?" Harvey asked and put his phone away.

"I don't know. A bit better."

"That's good. Are you in pain?"

Mike shook his head.

"That's good." Harvey smiled again at him and Mike didn't know why. Wasn't Harvey pissed? What did he want?

"Do you remember what happened?" Harvey asked next.

"Yes." It was barely audible so he had to answer again. "Yes, I remember."

"Of course you do." Harvey said. "I bet you wish you could forget this though."

Mike nodded. If he only could forget. There were a lot of things he wished he could forget. He didn't know what to answer. Something must be wrong with him. He always knew what to say, but he felt a bit off his game now. Maybe that was okay?

"You will be okay though. People can live perfectly well without their spleens. Apparently your liver will take over the functions of the spleen."

Mike stared at him. "Did you google it or something?" He asked.

"Yeah, maybe." Harvey agreed.

They both got quiet. Mike didn't like it at all. He needed to say something.

"So, what will happen with the case?" He asked.

"Don't worry about that." Harvey just said.


"I'll take care of it Mike. You will just focus on getting better. Besides you need to stay here, so there isn't much you can do anyway."

Mike opened his mouth to disagree. He could still be useful, even like this. But he knew what Harvey would say. So he didn't answer. Something broke a little inside him though when he saw how Harvey glanced at his watch. Did he want to leave? Of course he did. He probably wanted to get the hell out of here so he could go to the office and take care of the case. Mike was the one that was supposed to have done that last night. Instead he had gotten himself to the hospital. It would be his fault if they lost the case. At that thought he suddenly felt panic rise in him. It really would be his fault. Harvey would blame him. He couldn't take that.

"But shouldn't you do something…?" He started but regretted it immediately. What did he just say? Oh no.

"I told you not to worry." Harvey sounded a bit sterner this time. But Mike saw that he glanced at his phone. He didn't want to be here. Mike felt as if his heart shattered a little then. He didn't want Harvey to want to go. He wanted Harvey to keep him company, even if Harvey was mad at him. He didn't want to be here alone. He didn't really feel all like himself.

They didn't talk that much more after that and Mike got taken for some control test to see how the surgery had went. Mike was worried that Harvey would leave while he was gone, it took over an hour. But the older man was still there when he got back.

Harvey only left to get something to eat. They didn't talk about the case, or much about anything. But Harvey was busy with texting or e-mailing on his phone so Mike guessed that Harvey did something at least. Mike spent a few hours sleeping.

After dinner Harvey announced that he would head home though. Mike didn't have anything to say against that. He didn't feel like he could ask Harvey to stay. He felt touched that Harvey had stayed as long as he had. That was just great, but he knew that it would end eventually.

"Thanks for staying today." He said.

"Sure, no problem kid. Get some rest now. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

And with that Harvey was gone. Mike looked at the door for a long time, finding himself wishing for Harvey to reenter, saying something about thinking it was best if he stayed the night. That didn't happen though. Harvey didn't come back. Mike was alone.

He tried to fall asleep. It didn't work. His mind was working overtime. Mostly it was filled with thoughts that he didn't want to have. Thoughts that didn't make him feel any better. He wanted to feel better. He wanted to talk to someone, but there was no one.

He managed to fall asleep after a few hours though.

He was alone the next day when he woke up. He was examined again and was told that it looked like he was healing nicely. He had avoided all complications so far and they were happy with him.

No one had called or been by his room by lunch. Harvey had told him that he would call. Why hadn't he? He hesitated for a while but then texted Harvey to ask how things were going. He held his phone in his hand and stared at it for a long time after that waiting for a reply. Two hours passed and he didn't get any. He held his phone in his hand the entire time. He tried to keep his emotions at bay. Harvey was just busy. He would answer as soon as he could.

He gave up after three hours. He fought the urge to throw his phone across the room, instead he put it on a little table and tried to fall asleep. He felt like crying.

He slept about three hours and was woken by a nurse. He was somewhat in pain and she promised to take care of that. He was still alone. It was getting dark outside. Harvey still hadn't answered. However Donna had sent him a text saying that she hoped he would get well soon. He stared at that messages for probably ten minutes. He wanted to write back and ask her to come and see him. Instead he just thanked her and told her that he was doing his best. She didn't reply.

He felt so alone. He had barely talked to anyone during the whole day. He had really thought that Harvey would call him, he had said so, but he hadn't. Mike wanted to be angry at him for that, but he couldn't. Harvey wasn't obligated to call him. Harvey was probably working still, without Mike there everything would take longer. But he had said that he would talk to him. He had said so.

Why didn't he call? Was he really that pissed at Mike? Had he lost the case and that's why he was pissed? He considered calling himself, but didn't. He wasn't sure if he would be able to take it if Harvey didn't answer.

After the night nurse wished him a good night and the lights were out he couldn't fight it any longer and he let his tears flow. He was totally alone in a hospital bed, hell he had had surgery yesterday. He was entitled to feel a bit bad. He wished he had anyone at all that he could call. But he didn't. No one cared about him. No one cared enough to call or even text him to ask how he was doing. He didn't have anyone that cared enough to do that. And he didn't have his grandmother anymore. He cried a bit for her as well. He cried himself to sleep.

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