5 times Harvey Specter saved Mike's life.

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Trevor had once convinced him that anyone in a suit was evil. Simple. Parents wore suits, teachers wore suits, undercover cops wore suits, higher up cops wore suits; lawyers wore suits. Get into trouble and it was undoubtedly a suit that would just help you into your grave.

It was only when Mike started working for Harvey that he realised Trevor had it completely backwards.

People in suits grabbed you from the grave's edge.

Although not without some tutting and rolling of eyes as they did so.

- 1 -

When Mike had stumbled into that interview, he hadn't expected to be hired for a law firm. He was simply - as he had told Donna - trying to ditch the cops. When he had gotten in there this imposing man in a suit had for some reason been interested in him. The guy hadn't called the cops, he'd even said he'd make sure they weren't waiting for him.

But then he was hired.

Suddenly, Mike had a job. A well-paying job. He could pay for his grandmother's care and then slowly pay off his debts. He stopped smoking pot and cut off all ties with Trevor. Because of this he no longer constantly felt tired - and when he did it was a satisfied tired; a proud ache that came from knowing he had done good work; work he had dreamed about doing all his life.

He was now slowly allowing himself to look policemen in the eye if he passed them in the street and allowed himself to act like himself around the intimidating guy in the suit who had hired him. The first time; he had offered a small fist bump after a week of knowing this man and although he had snorted and refused to reciprocate; Mike was surprised that Harvey hadn't thrown him out the building.

Mike was now more trusting; he thought that before, maybe the pot had made him paranoid, but it was more than that - if he could trust one of the city's best lawyers; who couldn't he trust? It was possibly seen as a bad thing, this naivety, but Mike was just happy that he could walk around with that feeling of being able to form a solid first impression before deciding who he could and could not trust, rather than having a preconception ready.

In all these ways and infinitely more, Harvey Specter had saved his life.

He had pulled him out from under the sneaking shadow that was following him and what could possibly have ruined his life.

And Mike secretly thanked him every day.

- 2 -

Harvey Specter was a lot of things, and although he would try to make people think that he was cold - this wasn't one of them. He was very warm when he had to be. Trying to charm new clients, old clients - old friends. Rarely new friends. Back when he had been desperate to fit into the law world he had tried to make friends with all the other associates.

Much like Mike had tried. At first.

He still did; Harvey had seen the hurt in his associate's eyes when the others mocked him. As much as he wanted to intervene - this happened all the time. Associates tried to tear each other's throats out every chance they got and none of their superiors cared. In fact, there was a constant betting pool in the partners' break room. Pranks always occurred and the partners delighted in spectator sports.

Harvey had to admit that when Mike inched slowly into his office, wearing a bright pink tie with red love hearts on, he had stared indignantly before smirking and eventually laughing at the younger man. And though he knew it was somehow the other associates' doing, he teased Mike about it for weeks.

However, each time Mike had come into his office, looking down and hoping that the dressing down he got wouldn't be as harsh as he was anticipating - it became less funny. Not because the pranks were always the same or dull.

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