Post-its. [Part-12]

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A/N: This chapter is weird. Like WEIRD.

It had been some decidedly odd few days, Harvey decided, sitting down at his place in the meeting, with his associate sat next to him. For one, the reason Mike was in the meeting with him was that Donna was out for the day and he had no one to watch him. Secondly, Mike was sat on a few large law dictionaries.

Harvey wasn't sure if he'd ever had to think to bring toys to keep his associate quiet in a meeting.

After a whole lot of oddness regarding a previous client, Mike was now roughly 3 years old, and would be for another week until whatever that crackpot bitch scientist did wore off. The clothes he was wearing; courtesy of Donna, were just a little on the large side, and even though she had badly wanted to buy him a suit, she had to surrender to the fact that they were way too expensive to buy for only 2 weeks of use. So now he was sat in jeans and a blue sweatshirt, tiny velcro-laced shoes on his feet.

"Bored," he muttered to Harvey, pouting as yet another partner filed in and patted his head condescendingly.

Harvey shot him a sharp glare. "I'm sure I was told you're an adult in your mind," he said softly so as to not disturb everyone else. "I must have been mistaken."

Mike glared back. "My mind needs constant stimulation," he whispered feverishly, his small tongue unable to wrap it's way around the word 'stimulation' and he was stuck with it for a few seconds until finally saying it correctly. "And you said that you would bring something to 'keep me quiet'. You said," his voice was getting slightly louder in pitch and Harvey; although having barely any experience with children, could tell that - adult mind or no - his associate was about to have a full-blown tantrum.

"You can take the minutes," Harvey said to him jokingly, quickly trying to think if Donna had left any toys at her desk or in his office that Mike could use. Mike's scowl grew darker and he opened his mouth wide, threatening to either start screaming or hold his breath until he either got what he wanted or passed out - whichever came first.

Harvey hoped it was the latter.

"You do that and I will not only give you a bath tonight, I will ask Louis to come and babysit," Harvey hissed as the last few partners filed into the large room, Louis being one of them. Mike's mouth quickly snapped shut and he gazed up at Harvey, large blue eyes showing every emotion he was feeling. "Better," Harvey said crisply, smoothing out imaginary creases in his suit.

"But Harvey," he whined, pulling the older man's name out into long syllables.

"Oh for God's sakes," Harvey muttered, standing up and leaving a bewildered looking Mike sat on the stack of law books. Everyone looked over as he stood.

"Harvey?" Mike asked in a small voice, his toddler mind scared that Harvey was sick of him and leaving.

Jessica also questioned him. "Harvey, where are you going? The meeting's about to start."

"I'll be one minute," he promised her, before looking over at Mike. "Stay here," he said, pointing at the ground for a second. "And behave," he added as an afterthought. Mike blushed as everyone else in the room looked at him, although Jessica had a soft, amused expression on her face and was smiling lightly. Whereas Louis was looking at Mike as if he was something festering in the back of a fridge. Thankfully, Harvey was back in about half a minute and nodded at Jessica to start.

He gently rolled some crayons onto the table in front of Mike and gave him a peice of paper. "There you go," he said quietly, sounding pleased with himself. "How about you draw some nice pictures for Daddy to look at when he's finished with his meeting?" He suggested with a patronising tone, resulting in him getting a small slap on the arm from a tiny hand.

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