Samantha Ronson [Part-2]

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After the longest, most awkward elevator ride ever, Harvey used his impressive skills as a 'people reader' and had the forethought to lead the trio to a seldom used conference room on the far corner of the building. It still had glass walls, but between the maintenance room and the broom closet it didn't have near the foot traffic of looky-loos that the other conference rooms enjoyed.

Once there, Samantha made it clear she was well aware of the fact that Mike had never gone to college for anything, let alone a law degree. And immediately after that, Mike spilled the whole story to her and Harvey was planning to call him an idiot for that later (because had the whole 'if someone pulls a gun on you' speech just gone completely over his head?).

But, despite the long, complicated quality of the story, Samantha seemed to have latched onto one particular part.

"How could you do that?" She asked in a small voice, from her seat at the conference table across from Harvey. "How could you not tell me you needed help paying for Grandma's bills? I have the money to help, Mike. Why didn't they even call me?"

Mike sighed and stopped pacing, leaning against the wall with an exhausted, resigned look on his face that made Harvey frown imperceptibly.

"I'm older, I was the primary on the care list."

"Older, not more responsible." Samantha shot back, still shaking her head at the shiny lacquered table.

"Regardless," Mike snapped, and Harvey could count on one hand the number of times he'd seen Mike so worked up. The kid was usually pretty hard to rile. Harvey knew, he took great pleasure in succeeding. "You had made it quite clear you wanted nothing to do with me. I wouldn't even know how to get in contact with you."

"My number hasn't changed in five years Mr. Photographic Memory," she said, giving Mike a get real sort of stare, "and my office always knows where I am. You could have tried."

"Oh, like you?"

Samantha shot up out of her chair. "That's not fair! What was I supposed to do? You were always high, always with that scumbag Trevor. Was I just supposed to wait around and keep the apartment stocked with potato chips and lighters until you ended up in jail or worse?" Samantha's voice rose steadily and, with it, so did Harvey.

"Alright, let's just settle down," he held up his hands and looked, first at Samantha, then Mike. The girl looked upset, with a hint of lost and alone behind it. He recognized the look from seeing it on Mike so many times, and trying to ignore it. His associate on the other hand looked mildly sheepish, no doubt remembering whatever it was Samantha was talking about and Harvey was missing. "I understand there's a lot of history here and I've got no problem with you two duking it out," he turned back to Samantha, "but not until after we've wrapped up your case."

The mention of her lawsuit seemed to bring some reason back to her and Samantha blinked, standing down from her defensive posture. She started shaking her head.

"No, I can't do this. I'll find another firm to handle my case." She turned to gather her things and tried to push past Harvey to get out the door, he stepped aside, allowing her to pass.

Briefly, he caught a look of panic in Mike's eyes.

Good, Harvey thought, before the idea occurred to him that maybe he was concerned about his sister walking out the door, and not so much that he had just lost them a client.

Well, one problem at a time.

Harvey spoke up as soon as she touched the door handle.

"That's your right Samantha, but I don't think you will."

"Oh no?" She whirled around, taking the bait.

"Nope," Harvey casually pushed his hands into his pockets. "Because you came to me because I'm the best. Well, Mike is the best too, that's why he works with me. So, whatever history you two may have together, is really none of my concern. My concern is making sure you don't get the pants sued off you in this lawsuit, and I guarantee you there isn't a lawyer in the city who stands a better chance of making sure that doesn't happen than I do."

Samantha stared at him for a moment, big blue eyes and biting her lip. Harvey easily stood his ground, chin dipped low, eyebrows high, knowing her decision had already been made the second she chose not to walk through that door. He just had to wait for her to know it too.

Finally, after what Mike felt like was an eternity, Samantha nodded.

"Call me when you're ready," was all she said, and pushed through the door, out of sight within moments.

Harvey took a deep breath and turned around, facing Mike.

"As for you."

Mike shook his head. "I don't want to hear it Harvey," he held up his hands. "She's my sister, okay?" He restated, as if that would explain everything.

And in a way, it kind of did.

Harvey shook his head, stepping up until he was nearly in Mike's face.

"I don't give a damn who she is, you will never act that way around a client again, am I clear?"

Mike glanced toward the door and back to Harvey.

"Well, that shouldn't be a problem. I don't have any other sisters." He gave a small shrug and Harvey shook his head. Turning away, he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. A glance at his watch surprised him with the late hour, it was nearly five.

"Look, go home, get some rest," he said, telling himself if was because it was technically the end of the firm's work day, and not because he felt like the kid could probably use some extra rest after the afternoon he'd had. "We'll start first thing in the morning disproving this guy's accusations against Samantha."

Mike nodded, moving to grab the thin file of information they'd already gathered for the case.

"Just so you know, she's innocent of all this." Mike commented once they were walking side by side back toward the main part of the office.

Harvey rolled his eyes, "you're a bit biased, don't you think?"

"No, Harvey, I made a statement of fact. Samantha didn't do the things this guy says she did."

"And how can you be so sure?" Harvey looked over when Mike didn't immediately respond. The associate seemed to be struggling with something.

Finally, he sighed. "The guy's just not her type."

"Really? That's your argument?" Harvey scoffed.

Mike shook his head, "I just know okay, Harvey? I'm positive." They stopped in front of his cubical, most all the other associates had gone home for the evening, "And I'll find the evidence to prove it to you."

Harvey just tilted his head as if to say go right ahead and turned to continue toward his office, a small smirk creeping across his lips.

"Good boy."

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