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⚠️warning ⚠️
slight angst, overwhelming
amount of fluff at the end



as soon as you woke up you went to go check up on shoto; of course your classmates greeted you tearfully.

after that though, you just kinda sat there—waiting for any news about shoto.

momo, most likely wanting to fill the silence speaks,

"hey, (y/n)-san? i've been meaning to ask you a question about your quirk"


"the human body dies when cells get old, but because of your regenerative cells that does not happen; is your lifespan prolonged as a result of that?"

you froze, "well actually, i'm not sure"

before you could continue, a nurse comes into the room, "(y/n)?"


"he's requested your presence"

you follow the nurse to the hospital room where shoto was laying.

"shoto!" you rush to his side, the tears already flowing.

shoto pulls you closer, and you climb into the bed with him; he strokes your hair.

"i want you to know that none of this is your fault-"

"don't lie to me, shoto! it is my fucking fault!"you snap,

"if i just used my head, none of this would've happened in the first place!"

"i almost lost you, and we don't even have much time together anyway!"

you realized far too late what you said, burying your face in shoto's shoulder

"what. . .?" he pressed, and you sigh

"ever since i was a kid, i loved my regeneration. the fact that, no matter how badly i messed up, i could always come back—like a video game, or something"

"i remember calling it a 'blessing', but now i understand. . ."

"it's more of a curse, than anything"

"what are you talking about?"

you sigh once again, "the body dies because cells get old and eventually shut down over time—but that doesn't happen to me; i'll live an extended life—maybe even forever"

"i'll outlive everyone i love; my family, friends. . .and you. . .and after almost losing you earlier i can't-"

"my love~. . .look at me" he guides your face upwards,

"it's my fault for rushing in as carelessly as i did, besides,"

"i'm right here"

"i still have an entire lifetime to spend with you—and yes, i suppose that's not a lot of time to you"

"but i don't mind much, if it means i get to fall in love with you all over again"

you frown "sho-"

"i promise. . .when this body dies, i will come find you in the next"

"and find you once again, when that one does"

"my name and face will be different, but i'll still kiss you the same way, i'll still hold you the same way, i'll always be. . .sho"


[jello] is typing

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[jello] is typing. . .

just a nice little short and sweet chapter to make y'all feel better after the angst in the last one lol

i know i said that i wanted the momo story to be published later but i changed my mind lol, so it'll be published in 14 days

14 more days until "my girl" is officially published!

since i won't update everyday, i'll continue the countdown on my profile! hope y'all are excited! also y'all wanna meet my bunny? don't have a name quite yet

working on a halloween special lol

what should i do for 50k special + y'all want a face reveal? i'm probably gonna pull a corspe and just show the fit/my hands


daily questions:

how are you feeling?

have you eaten?

did you sleep well?

what's a bad feeling/thought you need to let out?

what's something you're happy about?

[jello] has logged off.

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