Chapter 19 My First Appointment

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Having anxiety sucks! You hating having to make phone calls. It got to the point where I had to do it! I needed to see about start testosterone. I just want to feel happy. My friends sister referred me to her doctor. So I figured what the hell why.

So on my day off I called. I was apparently speaking so low that I got hung up on the first time. So that made me mad but I called back. The lady was super nice and said I was speaking low that I needed to speak up. I didn't know what to say but I finally found the words.

I said that I wanted to set up and appointment to see about HRT. The lady gave me a date and I was like perfect. It was set now I can't wait.

Once I hung up the phone the euphoria that came over me was enough to make me tear up. I did! I finally did it! I been looking forward to his my whole life. I can't wait until that day.

I immediately let "Marie" know about it considering she's been by my side since day one. She's super excited for me. I'm glad I have her on my corner as my own little cheerleader so to speak! She's amazing and I hope she knows that. I asked her what she was doing the day of the appointment. I honestly am nervous about going alone which was why I said something to her. She said she would go with me. That feeling I felt was overwhelming. Everyone needs a "Marie" in their life. She's a speak your mind, kick your ass if need be, always there for you kind of person!

Once I actually have my appointment I will be sure to update and let you all know how it goes. I'm excited!!!! Eeeek!

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