Chapter 22 The Bitch

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I knew there were going to be some people who didn't like the idea or just didn't understand it! Well I had my first experience with that.

I've been having problems with the upstairs lady she doesn't even deserve a name or I could you know put her on blast but I won't. We will refer to her as the bitch. Sorry for the language but it's the only thing I can think of to call her, without using her name. If she ever comes across this or if anyone happens to read this that knows her will know who it's about.

Anyways back to the story, like I said I have been having problem with the bitch. She has a dog that's a pitbull, no biggie I love dogs, but when her dog isn't a good dog. He has bit my brother in law ripping his pants, thankfully not breaking skin. He bit my mother causing her to bleed, it looked more of a scratch on her hand. He came towards me, as well as my nieces and nephew barking as well as growling with fur sticking up. He chased people down the street if he bit them I have no idea. She lets him outside without a leash. Well she's been talked to about it repeatedly.

One day I had to take trash out to the dumpster. Well sure enough he was without a leash and she was sitting outside on her deck with her son as well as granddaughter. I carried my knife out with me since I don't trust the dog whatsoever. I'm protecting myself, that's the way I saw it. I said "you were told about having him on a leash." That's all I said to her nothing more.

The bitch's son decided to step in and was like "your dog should be on a fucking leash then."

Okay first off 1) not my dog. 2) dog he's referring to is my sisters dog who is are you ready for this a dachshund. Yes a small dog who probably weighs 8 pounds or less compared to a big dog that weighs about 80 or more. 3) she also has never bit anyone let alone chased anyone.

As most know I have a temper to begin with. Well his response to me when I felt I was being nice ticked me off.

I responded with. "She was told how many fucking times to keep the damn dog on a leash. If he comes at me. I have my knife for my protection and I am not afraid to use it." I have been bit my a dog before, a rottweiler, when I was a kid.

Well it was a shouting match back and forth between us. As I was going to get into my car to leave to get away from it before I would do worse then yell. She had the nerve to say to me "whatever your name is. Whatever you want to be called."

Oh fuck no. I slammed that car door quicker then shit. "Whatever the fuck I want to be called. I'm transgender you dumb fucking cunt!"

It was shouting match back and forth. My mom ended up coming to the window because my sister called her. She asked me what was going on and had the nerve to tell me to calm down. Which is one thing you don't say to someone who's mad.

I was like "no not with what this fucking cunt just said to me. Whatever you want to be called."

She started denying it.

I was like "fuck no you cunt. You did too say that!"

The whole time her son is fucking laughing. Her granddaughter is crying.

"Your scaring my daughter with your knife." He chimed in. "She threatened us with it."

"No dumbass I threatened your fucking dog! There's a difference." I know you can say it I'm a dick. I'm well aware. When I'm pissed I say whatever comes out of my mouth. I informed them I would be contacting the landlord about the dog yet again and how she treated me.

I finally ended up leaving and calling up Marie but she didn't answered. So I called up Heather. She picked up on the first ring. Heather calmed me down quite a bit. She let me vent and gave her opinion. You all need a friend like that.

When I got back I went to my sister's and we played cards. My niece the youngest was too cute "you okay uncle sheba?" Even she knew I was pissed off and upset.

"I'm okay baby." I smiled.

Then I hear the cunt calling my name. No not Tobias either my dead name. My sister was like "don't even."

"I'm not don't worry." I laughed. "She can suck a dick."

My sister even heard her say what she said to me. My mom end up calling her later on saying she was worried I was gonna call the landlord on her. She was worried about being kicked out. Then she claimed that she wanted to say she was sorry to me.

I laughed. First she wanted to say she didn't say it. Now she's saying she did and wanted to apologize for it. Ugh! She still lives in the apartment. I don't talk to her and she don't talk to me. Her dog now has a harness and hasn't been off the leash as far as I'm aware.

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