Ch. 25 : Decisions

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So here's the chapter. It's late I know. Thursday I had to go to a doctor's appointment with my mom so I missed school and so I had make up work. Also like to say I like to know what you think of it so far. Comment express your opinions and thoughts! Freedom of Speech! :) Enjoy X.


Luciano's P.O.V.

A pop and the cork of the bottle popped off. Letting the gas flood, Meyers quickly filled our glasses.

"A toast! To the luckiest man I have ever met. Charlie Luciano!", Benny said raising his glass of champagne.

We clinked glasses and sipped it down.

"Now that Maranzano isn't in the way anymore. What is the next plan?", Frankie asked coolly.

"What else? Killing Masseria.", Benny smirked as he filled his glass with more champagne.

"I knew that. What I ment was how? When? And where?", Frankie replied taking a sip of his glass.

"I can go do it right now and all our troubles are over.", Benny replied without hesitating.

"We have to think this through Benny. We can't just go and kill him. It'll be too obvious who sent for his death.", Meyers stated.

I took a big gulp of my glass and stared out the window from my office.

As the sun was setting, the sky was filled with the color, pink and purple. It reminded me of blood. Blood that has to be shed. Blood that will be shed.

"Why rush? The more time we wait the more time to plan and perfect our next move. Let's enjoy the moment.", I smirked.

We finished the bottle and decided it was getting late so we went our separate ways.

I got back to my apartment ready to have a great night with Esme. Just imaginating her face light up as I show her my present I got for her.

I smiled but then quickly frowned when I noticed Vin and Carlos not guarding the door. I quieted my steps and pulled out my gun.

I slowly opened the door and checked every room.

All were empty. So where's Esmeralda?!

Did something happen to her?! If anything happens to her I'll kill Vin and Carlos.

Esmeralda where are you?!

---------(end of Luciano's P.O.V.)--------

I spent the whole day retrasing our steps and drawing theories. So far all of them sounded unrational.

Vin and Carlos drove me to Charlie's apartment. When we got there we could tell Charlie was already in the apartment.

Crap. He's going to be pissed. Oh well he can't really be that mad. Right?

As we opened the door, Charlie was sitting on the couch with a cup of what I believed was alcohol.

He got up and walked toward us. I couldn't tell if he was mad because there was no expression on his face. The smell of whiskey filled my nose. Yeah it was alcohol.

He punched Vin and then Carlos. I screamed as his fist met skin. Blood dripped from their noses.

"Charlie stop!", I screamed horrified.

He was about to punch them again when I ran to them and began to tug on his arm. He shrugged me off causing me to fall on the ground.

"Charlie! Please stop! Leave them alone!", I begged.

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