Ch.4: The mob

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"Who?", Sandra asked.

"What?", Julisa said confused.

"There." I gestured toward a tall, broad shoulder man with light brown hair. Who looked to be in his early twenties, surrounded by other young men.

"Impossible.", Julisa said in complete shock.

"I know."

"What the hell are you talking about?!", Jenny said annoyed.

"Shhh." I walked to the closest attendant.

"Excuse me.", I asked him.

"Yes, miss."

"Isn't that man Mr. Luciano?"

"Yes, miss."

"Thank you." I walked back to the girls.

"What was that?", Jenny said still confused.

"Listen. Sandra, Jenny, since you guys don't like history you don't know. Lucky Luciano is a mobster and died before we were born."

"If he's dead, then who is that guy?",Sandra butted in.

"That's the thing. He is Luciano."

They looked at him and back at me. Trying to digest the information.

"Excuse me." I called the attendent and gestured to come close.

"Yes, miss."

"Sorry to bother you, but my friend here.", I gestured to Jenny,"Doesn't know who Mr. Luciano is. Can you please catch her up to speed?"

"Yes, miss. Mr. Luciano is a recent business man. A dangerous man, not to be messed with. He just joined Big John's family. You know the catholics."

"Thank you, that'll be all." Jenny still had a confused expression.

"It's 1920, and he just joined a family. A family is a branch of the mafia."

"How are we in the past?", Jenny said.

"I don't know."

"Let's just calm down and act normal. We don't have the luxury to get noticed by anyone."

"Esme's right, there's probably more mobsters.", Julisa looked around.

"Let's stick to our middle names. We can't get mixed up with them." They nodded and we were last to enter the restaurant. So obviously we caught people's eyes. Especially the mobsters. We took of our furs and handed them to the attendents. The men's eyes bugged out and we practically felt their hungry eyes all over our bodies.

"Bajesus, its like they never seen a dame.", I whispered to the girls.

We sat down in table that was farthest away from the mobsters, but still close to the dance floor. Jenny leaned in and made us lean in too.

"I told you I look good. No, man can't resist this."

"Shut up, Jenny. You don't want that attention. We don't need that.", I scold at her,"Let's just order something to eat and get out of here."

I looked down the menu and motioned for the waiter.

"We would like the chicken with mashpotatoes and bread. To drink.... only water and later we'll have a small plate of flan." I finished, smiled and gave him back the menu.

After he left, I turned to Jenny who was at my right side and motioned for the others to the same.

"Ok, we won't mention our first names. Understood?"

"Do we use our full middle name or nickname?", Jenny asked.

"Full middle name, when you introduced yourselves. Nicknames when we are hanging out.", I paused,"Understood?"

"Yes, Esme.", Jenny rolled her eyes.

"Good, and stop flaunting your body,Eli." Jenny rolled her eyes.

The waiter came and placed our plates in front of us. Jenny was about to dig in.

"Eli!",I hissed,"Manners!"

She slowly started eating small bites. Then we mimicked her. The chicken was grilled just right, not too chewy but not to hard. The mashpotatoes were so good, but kind of made your mouth dry. I took a sip of water and notice that they started to dim the lights.

Six girls in short, slightly translucent, cream dresses came out with feather head bands on their heads. They started dancing seductively. Hips side to side, a hand on their left hips. The other hand on their mouths blowing kisses and winking. They were good, but I didn't like how see through their outfits were. Of course the men didn't think the same. They were practically drooling over them. After three songs, they walk off the stage and the band was about to play. Men whistled, everyone applauded and a few flappers climbed on men's laps.

"That was... nice.", Jenny said bewildered by the show.

"Their flappers, Eli." I took another sip of water. I noticed Jenny's confused face.

"Flappers are party girls. Their completly DTF." Jenny nodded as soon as she understood.

A waiter came and placed a glass of champagne in front each of us.

"We didn't order any.", I informed the waiter.

"It was sent by Mr. Luciano."

I turned to see where the waiter pointed at, and sure enough Mr. Luciano raised his glass. I smiled, raised the glass as well and took a sip. I turned back to the waiter.

"Tell Mr. Luciano that we send our thanks and that it wasn't necessary."

He started walking back to the gentlemen.

"What was that?", Sandra asked.

"I thought you didn't want us to be noticed.", Julisa hissed.

I didn't reply. I was watching how the waiter was speaking to Mr. Luciano. After the message was given, a wide grin spread across his face. I turned back to the girls.

"That's the reason why."

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