Ch. 27 : Blood and tears

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Hi fodoodlers again sorry for the late update. Today is my Birthday by the way. :) turned 16 ^.^ Thanks for all the reads :) Anyways Here's the next chapter called Shattered Heart. Enjoy. X.


I arrived at my apartment with tears flooding down my face. Nico carried me all the way there because I kept bumping into things since I was crying so hard I couldn't see well.

Alexander opened the door for us. We entered the parlor were the girls sat shocked at my state of sobbing uncontrollably.

"You want me to take you to your bedroom and let you rest?", Nico asked.

I nodded as I tried so hard to control my tears. I noticed that the girls looked worried and depressed which made me sob even harder.

It's all my fault. I always cause them pain. I'm the one to blame. They never asked for this. They wouldn't of come if it wasn't that I persuaded them to.

Nico set me down on my bed and pulled the covers on me. He made sure I was comfortable and warm. He left to get me a handkerchief. Alexander went to go get three more guards to guard the front door from the outside. While Nico and him will be guarding it from the inside.

The girls sat on my bed and hugged me. They were silent until my sobs lessened.

"Meyers called me. He said he couldn't make it to breakfast. That he had to go help Charlie. I asked what happened and all I got is that something like a business deal went wrong. I told him that if it was about business, why couldn't he leave it for another day. He was frustrated and said that I had to understand that right now Charlie needed him. I got mad and said that all I understand is that his business will always be first than me. He told me that he didn't have time to argue with me and hanged up. Of course, I was beyond angry... But after a few minutes I started crying. I realized that if I became Mrs. Lansky then this will always happen... I will always be second to his 'business'.", Jenny said as her voice cracked. Tears ran down her face as she she looked away. I squeezed her hand and hoping I could take that pain away.

"Frankie called me too. He said that he couldn't take me out shopping and site seeing. That something came up. I tried to get it out of him but he wouldn't say anything else but that I had to understand. I told him I want to but its not making sense to me. He told me he loved me and that's all I really needed to know. I told him I loved him too and that no matter what it'll never change. He chuckled and said goodbye. I felt like my heart shattered because it felt like a real goodbye.", Julisa sobbed as she looked down at her perfectly manicured hands.

"I was with Benny when Alexander called him. All I heard from Benny's end was that he was shocked at what ever Alexander told him. He was furious when it sunk in. He said he'll meet him there. I asked what was going on he told me that a friend of theirs got shot and he had to help Charlie. I asked how does helping Charlie help his friend? He said that it was a friend of theirs. I asked why couldn't he let someone else help them. I understand its his friend and he's worried but right now I needed him. He said that he had to go help and I didn't needed him like they do. I got extremely mad and yelled fine. Go to them. I guess I know who will always be first. I turned to walk away. When he yanked me around and told me to stop acting like a spoiled brat. I slapped him and told him he can go to hell. He said I was acting idiotic. I barked at him, So I'm an idiot now! You know what Benny. Go fine an idiot that is dumb enough to be your girl. Because I'm done.... I started running when I finished. He yelled me to stop, and ran after me. I tripped on something and fell down. I was already crying in a ball when Benny caught up with me. I hit him when he tried to pick me up. I yelled at him to leave me alone and don't touch me. He laughed He said that I should never run away from him that he'll always find me and he'll never leave me. That he's to selfish to let go of the person he loves the most. I told him that I loved him too. But sometimes I can't take all of this. He said that he understands that its hard but he'll always be here to protect me and help. He hugged me and kissed my forehead. Then he drove me home and went to Charlie's.", Sandra explained as she hugged one of my pillows.

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