Ch. 29 : What now?

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Hi fodoodlers! What do you think of how Esme left? And do you hope he finds her? Sorry for it being late I have been extremely busy because of the testing coming up. I hate updating late but I can't do much about it sorry. Here's the next chapter called What now? Enjoy X.


I looked out the window of the airplane. I could see fields of farm land as we passed them. I wanted to cry and jump out because there is no way I could continue to live a happy content life without Charlie.

"What do we do know?", Julisa asked quietly next to me.

I looked over at her and smiled,"We go home."

"I don't think everything is going to go back to normal. Everything will feel.... weird.",she replied quietly as she fixed her seat.

"She has a point. Nothing will feel the same. We got use to the attention and luxury life they gave us.", Sandra argued as she waved a stewardess over.

We watched her order a glass of white wine, but the stewardess denied her one because she was underage.

"And we could drink what ever we wanted and not be denied anything.", she huffed as she turned back to us.

"Relax. Drink this.", I said handing her a cocktail.

"How did you get this?", Julisa asked me as Sandra gulped it down before anyone could see.

"The steward is a lot more nicer than the stewardess.", I winked.

"Seriously?! We haven't even been a whole day away from our boyfriends and your already flirting with other guys!", Julisa said raising her voice angrily,"No wonder Charlie never wanted to tell you he loved you."

I clenched my fists, afraid that if I didn't calm down I would of clawed her face off.

"First of all their our exs. And second of all yesterday night was the last time we saw them, so yeah I flirted. But I didn't do it to be a slut. I did it to try to forget about him. I just want to forget so that I can never feel this ache of longing. Is it so bad that I just want to forget about them?! Or will you force me remember?! Are you that heartless?! I don't want to feel this pain anymore!", I hissed with as much venom I had in me.

"I don't want to cause you pain but your actions are not alright! What are you thinking?! Don't you even care about them?!", Julisa fired back as Sandra just stayed quiet.

"I love them! That's why I want to forget so that it wont hurt anymore!", I cried out as tears began to fall out of the corner of my eyes.

"It would hurt more if you really did love Charlie.", she snapped as she looked at me with judgemental eyes.

"That's the thing I do love him. And I know you girls loved them too. But we have no choice, we have to forget about them.", I whispered as my voice cracked.

She looked at me angrily and with tears in her eyes.

"Why did it take you until you lost him to say that? Why couldn't you admit it when you were with him?", she asked angrily.

"Because I knew if I admitted that I love him. I would let myself care even more and then it would of been a lot harder to say good bye.... I couldn't do that... I couldn't let myself care because I needed to get us back home where we belong.", I explained with tears rolling down my face.

"How do you know?... How do you know this is where we belong?", she asked skeptically.

"Because this where we were born, where we were raised... in this time period is where we belong. We all know that we had to come back. I don't regret it.", I shot back as I stopped crying.

"You don't regret leaving the way we did? You don't regret never telling him you loved him?"

"No. I don't regret it. But I will regret walking away from the love of my life for the rest of my existence. I say existence because there is no life without him by my side.", I replied confidently.

"All of us will. But we have to move on.", Jenny said as she sat down across from me and next to Sandra.

"Eli-",Sandra started to say but was cut off by Jenny.

"Don't call me Eli. Call me by my first name. Not by my middle name.", Jenny replied.

"Jenny, I know this will be harder for you than for anyone of us. Because you actually got engage and wanted to spend your life with him. You are the one who will suffer the most.... But your also the bravest. And the strongest. You WILL have a happily ever after. Because I will give everything I have to get you there.",I promised her.

"Don't promise things you can't complete.", she said quietly as she turned to look out the window of the airplane.

After a few minutes of silence, I looked out the window and wished that I never got that free trip to New York. I should of just stayed in Texas with my family for the summer. Regret...regret is the only thing I have left.

"I know you guys hate me... and I wouldn't blame yall for hating me. I wish I would of kept my mouth shut that last day of school.", I said bitterly as I clenched my fist in rage.

"I don't... I don't regret going to New York. Because I found love and I will always be thankful to you for that.", Jenny replied as she smiled sadly but sincere.

"I don't regret it either...I don't hate you... I'm just shocked and angry with all that has happened.", Julisa replied as she looked at me.

"The only thing I regret is not telling Benny that I love him more than my life.", Sandra sighed.

"What are we going to do when we get home?", Julisa asked as I checked my watch.

"I think we should go to concerts or hang out since its summer and we have no school. So there's no point on wasting a summer vacation mopping around. We should go out and try to have fun! We have to...", I replied trying to lift their spirits.

"I guess we should.", Jenny hesitantly agreed.

"What do we say to our parents?", Julisa asked nervously.

"Mom. Dad. We are going to Warp tour.", Sandra replied cheerfully.

We laughed and shook our heads at her childness. Sadly though, as easily as our joy came it left. We were left with this hollow feeling in our chests.

"I want to go see a Drake concert.", Jenny said braking the deathly silence.

"Pfft. Black Veil Brides are better.",Sandra argued.

"No! Sleeping with Sirens are!", Julisa fired back.

"Excuse me. But we are forgetting the obvious! Bruno Mars is beyond better than them!", I argued.

"Is he better than One Direction?", Sandra asked wickedly.

I stared at her, shooting daggers at her with my eyes. I couldn't tell her yes or no because either way I lose.


"Bruno Mars is hot and we all agree he's awesome. So its our best shot.",I replied.

"Fine.", they agreed.

"By the way, did any of yall call your parents to pick us up?", I asked hopefully.

They looked at each other with the same nervous look and shook their heads.

"I guess we'll call them when we land and get on a bus to go to a restaurant to eat. I don't know about y'all but I'm starving!", I joked just as the pilot announced that we'll be landing and to strap in.

I took a deep breath and smiled at them reassuringly.

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