Ch. 19 : Fodoodle

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Hey readers :) I got this tear filled chapter here. Ch. 19: Fodoodle ..... Should I call you fodoodlers? :D Randomness lol so Enjoy X.


'How could I settle on what's right when your clouding up my mind can't win a losing fight all the time no I couldn't clear what's right when your always choosing sides but you won't take my pride not this time....

How did we get here? I used to know you so wellllllll But How did we get here??? Oh I think I knowwwwwww ohhhhhhh...

The truth is hiding in your eyes and its hanging on your tongue just boiling in my blood But you think I can't see what kind of man you are If your man at all Well I'll figure this out on my ownnnnn...

How did we get here?? I use to know you so wellll How did we get here?? Oh I think I knowwwww ohhhhh....

Do you see what we done we are going to make such fools of ourselves Do you see.. what we done we are going to make such fools of ourselves.....

How did we get here? Oh I use to know you so welllll Ya ah How did we get here??? I use to know you so welll I think I know I think I know There is something I see in you It might kill me but I want it to be true...'

I jolted up and found my phone that I hid under my bed. I turned my Decode by Paramore alarm off. I don't remember why I turned it on.


Just Maybe...

My subconscious is telling me what I feel with the song....

Or I forgot I was in the past and not in the present...

Let's go with number two.

I went to my bathroom and looked in the mirror. Ugh. I looked hideous. Mascara streaks down my cheeks. My hair was all over the place. I was a sight. My vision began to blur as I started visualizing the guy named Joe.

The man that Benny called Joe was on the floor next to the side ways table that most of tipped over when he fell on it.

There was so much blood.

All I could smell was rust.

I wiped my eyes. That poor man. They killed him. Without any hesitation. Then Charlie...

I don't know why, but I looked back and I regreted it as soon as I did.

Because there stood Charlie with a smug grin on his face.

More tears rolled down my eyes as I saw him.

He did it.

He was the leader of the guys. He must of ordered the death of that Joe.

A sob escaped my lips.

His head whipped up and his cruel smile disappeared.

He called for some help. He acted as he cared of Joe.

While the men came and followed his instructions. I used it to my advantage and ran up to my apartment.

I was almost there when, Charlie grabbed my wrist and spinned me around to face him.

I slapped him across his face.

He was shocked at first, but soon recovered.

"Esme.",he said my name that made my heart ache. He sound as if I wounded him. As if he was the one hurting.

"Let me explain.", he said it huskily which made his italian accent more noticeable.

I acted as if I was going to caress his cheek. I shocked him as I slapped him instead.

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